you've never been to new york. pick a jury. i feel the hand of mary ann on this adventure. new york is not a good idea. i have my bad feeling. sounds like more than two weeks. let me tell you about new york. forewarned is forearmed. 'fallen, fallen is babylon the great. it has become a dwelling place of demons.' revelation eighteen. wouldn't hurt you to look it over. and what happened to babylon? 'and the light of a single lamp shall shine in thee no more.' what's he doing? always did like to stick his nose in a camera. i surely did. are you hungry? alice lomax. how do you do? no. yes. good night to you. 'night. i'm worried about her. you shouldn't fight like that. are you happy here? are you happy here? you were always running somewhere. don't worry on it. i love you more than anything in the whole world. you know that, don't you? i'm going home, kevin. i don't feel right. i have to go, kevin. i miss my church. you need to do a better job with mary ann. she's not well. this place isn't good for her. i'll take her home if you let me. 'wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to temptation.' kevin. honey. i came this morning. i been calling the house and getting no answer and then i spoke to pam and. i need to talk to you. are you all right? will you excuse us a moment? i never should've left. i knew it. i'll never forgive myself. what i did, kevin, i thought it was for the best. loving you was always first for me. i could've told you the truth. i've lied to you, kevin. always. baptist endeavor youth crusade, ninety-sixty-four. i was here. in new york. that night in the elevator, you never let me answer. we stayed a week. the tremont hotel, it's not there anymore, i went by and it's gone -- they had a restaurant downstairs and we ate there almost every meal -- your father was a waiter in that restaurant. -- honey, listen to me -- -- kevin, honey, wait -- listen to me. because i'm afraid! kevin. kevin! 'behold i send you out as sheep amidst the wolves.' what's going on? kevin! -- help! -- help! -- somebody! we need help -- -- please -- somebody -- help her! -- what are you all doing? somebody! -- i could've packed that up for you. i wish you'da let me help you. he talked to me. nobody'd ever really talked to me before. sixteen years old, a thousand miles away from home, somebody takes an interest. working so hard, putting himself through school, i'd never met anybody like that. knew the bible, every word, just knew it by heart. every meal, there he was, at my ear and i just. i didn't want that week to ever end. but it did. he came to say goodbye, it was late, and i started to cry and he said not to worry, 'behold, i send you out as sheep amidst the wolves.' and that just stopped me cold because we'd spent that whole day at bible study reading matthew ten and there was just no way for him to know about that, so i was. i took it as a sign. i let him in. and then everything was different. he was cruel. he was so cruel and i was so ashamed, i thought i'd die. i promised right there if god would let me back into his grace i would never leave again. i prayed there was a reason this terrible thing had happened. there had to be a reason. and there was. it was you. you were my blessing. you were reason enough to endure anything. how much i love you. his face -- that night -- i knew it was him and the same time i was confused -- and you were so proud you'd come to new york and done all this on your own, i didn't have the heart to tell you -- -- you wondered yourself -- the apartment, the money, all this attention, everything out of nowhere. milton. he's your father. somehow he found us. tracked you down. what do you mean? what are you doing? no. let it alone! stay with me. forget about him! we can leave here. we can go home! we don't ever have to see him again! kevin, please. honey! i love you!