well, hell, there you are. rumor was you were out wandering in traffic. what's the game plan, kevin? i got a four-thirty deadline. i need a quote. gimme a quote. 'mr. lomax had no comment on today's events. speculation, however, was widespread that the young lawyer's unblemished string of victories would come to an end in this courtroom.' it was a nice run, kev. had to close out someday. nobody wins 'em all. so, kev, off the record, how's it feel to squeeze a man like gettys through the door of reasonable doubt? kevin. nancy osborne, metro news. how are you? we had a report of a private plane at teterboro airport ready to take alexander cullen out of the coun -- kevin, is there any truth to -- it was a nice run. kev. had to close out someday. nobody wins 'em all. kevin! -- hey! listen, this story -- this is the one, pal -- this is the one you dream about -- bullshit. a lawyer with a crisis of conscience? you gotta be kidding. it's huge! not when i get through with the story. you gotta talk, kevin. you gotta gimme an exclusive. this is wire service. this is 'sixty minutes'. this is a story that needs to be told. it's you! you're a star! you got it. first thing.