there is nothing vague or exploratory about this subpoena request, your honor. we're specifically asking for any and all documents relating to devada holdings. it's taken six months and seventeen separate motions and we still don't know who's responsible here. we've got a paper trail here that seems to stretch into eternity! your honor, this is outrageous. we need to get in there and seize these documents before there's nothing left! your honor. devada holdings, eddie. look in your rearview window, i'm right behind you. mr. lomax? i'm a friend of eddie barzoon. remember me? mitch weaver. justice department. looking for you actually. just wanted to ask you -- off the record -- i had a few questions about eddie. milton, chadwick, waters is a little more than a law firm, but then i assume you knew that. devada holdings? i'm sure you've heard of it. london, kinshasa, karachi -- arms brokering mostly. you've got munzer-dietch, they're in berlin and djakarta -- chemical weapons, toxic waste. ivanaco limited -- moscow -- money laundering for the eastern bloc. it goes on and on, kevin. milton is into everything. barzoon was coming in, kevin. he was gonna testify. desoto and dibalista, in panama, that's a firm that specializes in opening bank accounts for judges all over south america. huge drug cases. murder. everything. this is a first time, last time offer! i'm learning about you, kevin. i talked to some old friends down in florida this morning. the gettys case. the eighth grade teacher? found him this morning. he had the body of a ten-year-old girl in the trunk of his car.