you can call me dewitt, easy. ever seen this guy fight? any time joppy shag stepped in the ring you knew you were gonna see some real knock-down-drag-out- fisticuffs. where you from, easy? houston. joppy's hometown. so i hear you need a job. property owner, hunh? these big companies, don't give a damn, do they? if you need a job, drop by this address at seven tonight. i do favors. i do favors for friends. drop by. easy. leave it, shariff. i just wanted to make sure he was solo. you guys can go now. easy and i have some business. have a seat, mr. rawlins. like you, easy. i need a little help? i give 'em a call. drink? one thing i like about working for myself. i always have a bottle on the table. you wanna drink with me? fine. you don't? door's right behind you. joppy tells me you're a war hero. said you went in with patton. so, you want the job? walk out the door in the morning, easy, and you're mixed up in something. only thing that matters is if you're mixed up to the top or not. neither one of us wants to get mixed up in that. that's just rich people trying to keep me and you in our place. i'm looking for somebody for a friend. daphne monet. fiance of todd carter, one of the richest men in town. been gone for two weeks. evidently. you know how it is with women, easy. happens to the best of us. that's a shame. see, daphne has a predilection for the company of negroes. she likes jazz and pigs feet and dark meat, know what i mean. i'm sure of it. but i can't go looking for her myself because i'm not of the right persuasion, so to speak. i've been asking joppy for over a week, but all he could do was introduce me to you. just get a location on her. mr. carter wants to make up with her. that's all. one hundred dollars, and i pay in advance. that's right. and keep it, you know, confidential. joppy tells me you used to frequent an illegal club down on eighty- ninth and central. somebody saw daphne there a few nights ago. you could start tonight. sure is, easy. what's shakin'? hold on to that, easy. i like to look a man in the face when we do business. meet me at the fisherman's pier in malibu at the hamburger stand in an hour. i want to see brains. i want you to die for me. the question is: "are you sorry enough?" then prove it. show him. get down on your knees and suck his peter. you heard me. son of a gun. you were gonna do it, weren't you? sick bastard. get out of here. you call the cops, i'll kill ya! i don't think they'd dare call the cops. but it'll cost me a few bucks if they do. what you got, easy? course not. mr. carter wants to buy her a gold ring and live happily ever after -- what do ya got? where? anything else? ever seen him in action? here's another hundred. buy ya a burger, easy? how come you let those boys get around you like that? war hero should have been able to pick 'em off one by one before they got you against the rail. take it easy. easy. i expected you to be home, so manny used a screwdriver on the door. what happened to your face? i'd tear your nigger head out by its root. where have you been this time of morning, easy? i didn't come here to play, boy. you got my money in your pocket and we've been over at that address waitin' all night for frank green and now we've found out that he moved from there over a year ago. do you believe in god, easy? 'cause i'm curious to see if death is any different for a religious man. where? how'd she know about you? why didn't you call me? where is she? where is she? uh-hunh. you call the cops? what'd she do, take his car? mcgee. did she take his car? where'd you pick her up at? --write it down! get me some whiskey, easy. well, i'll be damned. get us a drink, manny. easy, you're a brave man. i need a brave man working for me. but you gotta find frank green, so he can lead us to her. easy, you're connectable to two murders. you'll do whatever i tell you to do. now you got three days to find him. and you make sure you count 'em right. well i'll be damned. you found her. where are the pictures? where are they? sure you will. let's go. what're you doin'? who are we gonna give 'em to cover this shit, hunh?. use your head. who the hell's out there? that you, easy? easy. hey, buddy come on, goddammit!