mr. rawlins. has something happened to daphne? you saw her? she's still in town? what did she say -- what was she wearing? and a pin on her chest? oh yes, that's her. that's her. you know i've never known a woman who could wear perfume so slight that-- what did she say? what did she say?. oh, i'm sorry. brandy? yes? i beg your pardon. mr. albright? there must be some mistake. i'm sorry, busy. who are you talking about? no. until just now i was sure that she was hundreds of miles away from here. you say someone is looking for her? someone is looking for her. uh. i don't know. we were going to be married. we had a fight. uh. that's none of your concern, mr. rawlins. someone's. after her? a mr. albright? and he said he's working for me? no. i can't say that i do. uh. i can't say -- i don't know. do you think you could find her again? it's important, mr. rawlins, for her sake. i'm willing to pay you. i can't tell you any more mr. rawlins -- i'll pay you to find her. a thousand dollars?! mr. rawlins. i think you're trying to take advantage of me. but left me inform you that the incumbent mayor and the chief of police eat at my house regularly. --no. they can't! i'll have baxter write you a check. baxter will write you a check!! take it all. just take it all. daphne! daphne, sweetheart! here's the remaining eight hundred that i owe you. in cash. and another thousand which i hope will keep this whole thing. you know. and i've taken care of your problems with the police. you'll have no more trouble there. and that's a promise. mr. rawlins. did daphne ever say. she loved me?