could we sit down with y'all? and you're the one ain't never got no money. he used to play till the cock crowed. but that ole cock don't crow nearly so much now. you be sorry if you go. daphne sleep by now. you can't get none of that tonight. you been telling everybody dahlia, but her name is daphne. throw him in there on the bed, easy. throwed him outta his place, 'cause he couldn't pay the rent. i shouldn't even let him sleep here. that all you need? dupree run through his money, fall asleep on me. and you just gonna walk out on me like i was dog food. why you keep askin' 'bout her? colored women ain't good enough for you no more? way he snorin'? oh yeah, daddy. you hittin' my spot! oh yeah. yeah! oooh, that's just too good, easy. i can't give up that much love, daddy, not the way things is. you know, dupree's right there in the next room. but it ain't right, easy. here i am doin' this right in the next room and all you doin' is nosin' after my friend daphne. what job? what man? but daphne's my friend-- oh, baby. oh, daddy, you hittin' my spot! oh, yeah.