you're looking for me. i think you should come and talk to me, mr. rawlins. alone. mr. rawlins, coretta has been killed. and if you don't want any trouble from the police then you'll come. and you won't tell anyone that you're coming. i'm at the sunridge motel on 112th and grand, room 102. mr. rawlins? please come in. would you like a drink? please sit down. what happened to you? have you been fighting? i should be asking you that question. why have you been asking about me? so? you've found me. you can stop pretending, mr. rawlins. i know someone hired you to look for me. in fact i had to pay coretta not to tell you where i was. you know how coretta is. she told me you two became 'good friends' yesterday. i talked to her this morning before she died. i. uh. need to go across town to see someone. it's very important. i can't seem to reach him by phone. i'm afraid i'd better have someone go with me. call me daphne. i can understand why you'd be nervous. because i threatened you with coretta. i'm very sorry, but i couldn't think of any other way to get you to come. he's out of town -- i. i'm willing to pay you. --i know that. i know all about that, mr. rawlins. --mr. rawlins-- easy. if you don't help me, then i'll call the police and tell them that you were with coretta before she died and that you've been after me too. yes, i would. i don't want to but i would. please let me pay you. why? please, i'll pay you twenty dollars. thirty. or even more. name your price. go ahead. there's gotta be something that you want. what? are you afraid i'll yell rape or something? easy, don't touch that door-- i'm really very sorry. i really am. i didn't want to do this but. shall we? they must not have seen us that well. god, frank and i have been pulled over so many times i thought-- easy, i'm sorry. don't be mad at me. come on. you really hate me, don't you? around the next bend. you remind me of frank when he gets angry. your jaw sets just like his when-- just park behind the studebaker. did you bring a gun or something? easy, that's not very smart. everybody carries a weapon now a days. search me sometime. you'll find it. mr. mcgee. oh, my god! are you all right? what happened? i'm sorry, easy. easy, coretta's boyfriend, dupree, got out of jail today. and. easy, i paid seven thousand dollars for those pictures. they belong to me. easy, you wouldn't dare. i don't know -- i'll pay you for them. i'll give you a thousand dollars. okay, i'll give you seven. never mind. i'll give it to you. easy, please. they're very important to me. easy, honey, i don't know. easy, why don't you just take the money! easy, please. how much do you want? easy, put the phone down. easy, please. easy, please, put it down. frank is my brother. we have different fathers. mine is white. frank doesn't even know that todd and i broke up. so far i've kept him out of all this. see, coretta's the only one out here in l.a. besides my brother who knew about me. and about a month ago she took a job working for, of all people, matthew teran. she made friends with one of the girls in the office who told her that she'd heard that teran was a pedophile. and coretta got carried away and told her that todd carter was engaged to a colored woman. she was sorry and didn't think it would get to teran. but it did and he got a hold of my birth records. todd and i broke up and i paid a guy for the pictures of teran. but somehow coretta got them. it was an accident. coretta and i were still mad at each other. i mean, she threatened to sell teran the pictures. i just asked joppy to go over and put a scare in her. it was an accident. joppy said she pulled a knife and tried to dump hot water on him. god, i didn't mean to hurt anybody. it's just that with the pictures i can-- don't judge me, easy! do you think i like pretending that i'm someone else? do you know how i've been treated by people, colored and white, when i've tried to live as a colored woman in a colored community. do you have any idea what any colored man whose ever been with me has had to go through? don't you dare judge me! come on, easy. help me. come on, you know it's the right thing to do. you know if things were different what would happen between us. sure, baby. of course, sweetheart. i don't know. i wouldn't tell him! and i won't tell you! come on, easy. let's go. don't worry, you can give him the pictures yourself.