we want you to come with us. yeah, we got him coming home. nothing on 'im. ezekiel rawlins. we can take off the cuffs if you wanna cooperate. where were you this morning at about five a.m.? you were drinkin' down on eighty- ninth and central. at an illegal club called john's, weren't you? you may as well answer 'cause you got bigger troubles than us bustin' an illegal bar, ezekiel. now. what time did you leave coretta james' house this morning? did you go back and see miss james later in the day? did you and dupree brouchard have words over miss james? she went to sleep too, ezekiel. but she won't be waking up. where'd you go when you left miss james' house? get up slow. real fuckin' slow or you know what's gonna happen. no. let's go. let's go! mr. rawlins. we came to ask you a few more questions. been having a party, ezekiel? it's looking worse and worse for you, my friend. what do you know about richard mcgee? a dead white man in a cabin in laurel canyon. he just happened to have a note in his pocket with 'c. james' written on it. where? how 'bout a smoke, ezekiel? got a light? may i? nice lighter. and we got our print. we know that you know more than you're lettin' on. and now a white man's been killed. now you better tell us what you know, or you're goin' down for the murder of richard mcgee and coretta james. put the cuffs on. let's take him down. but we do. tell it to the d.a. forget it. okay. tomorrow morning, that's it. you got some mighty powerful friends up there. mighty powerful. but, see, we got a problem. with the chief sealing these things up like this, it doesn't do much for the morale of the men who've been working on these cases. there's a guy who's been callin' on the phone. and we're pretty sure that he was up there with mcgee. not very bright. but he said you accused him of the murder. and he swears you were up there, too. how about a name?