just drive this sumbitch! want me to kill him? well, what's happenin'? i'll blow your goddamned nose off. nigga, you heard him. huh?. he's busy right now, you gonna have to call back. easy, lemme try. you better. talk. you stupid-- get out of my way! damn you, easy. don't you never grab me when i got a gun in my hand! look at the blood you done got on my coat. why you wanna go and do that? now we got to find that girl so we can get that money. you standing there with a knot on your head the size of a twelve- year-old tittie and you "don't need my kind of help"? aw, easy, that was a long time ago. come on, easy. cut me in on this. i could help you. i let you run the show. i swear i will. i swear, i ain't gonna do nothin' you don't tell me to do. everything you say. i don't know. sound like some white girl. hey, easy, was it a left on richland or a right? hell yeah. they'd be dead. what they tryin' to pin on you? yeah. why don't you open the door, junior, 'fore i have to shoot it down. open up. we ain't got all night. sit down, junior. sit down, man. 'fore i blow your brains out. sit down. aw, man. i know you took that. hey, big man! them pigtails i smell? it's all right, big man. it's all right. that dupree is a good man, but he sure can't hold his liquor. you callin' me drunk? if i was drunk could i do this? ain't a man in texas can outdraw me! go on. go for your gun. let's see who gets kilt. you fool enough to go without a piece then you must wanna be dead. he fool enough to call me out and he ain't even got no gun? i'll kill the motherfucker. motherfucker better be scared. i kill a motherfucker. i kill him! easy, what's done got into you? thought y'all was friends. you lyin'. son-of-a-bitch! you lyin'! aw shit! oh, my god!. oh, my goodness! oh, my goodness! let's just shoot him. damn, damn, damn! i hit him! i hit him! there's blood all over here. i got him. damn. sweetheart. she okay? i didn't have time to be tying him up. why what? you just said don't shoot him. and i didn't. i choked his ass. how i'm gonna help you back there foolin' 'round with him? aw, man. if you didn't want him kilt you shouldn't have left him with me. listen, if you think you gonna have trouble with that dude frank, i can run by and kill him and take that evening train to houston. oh. this is for you. i cut you in for half 'cause i knew you was too big a fool to take your share from that white girl yourself. send my grip to etta mae. i'm gonna see if she'll take me back now that i'm flush. oh, here's the keys to dupree's car. and if you need somebody to run them streets with ya, gimme a call. you know how to put some money in a nigga's pocket.