i can see that the police roughed you up a bit. that's a terrible practice of theirs which has to change, mr. rawlins. has to change. she was beaten. and died from a heavy blow to the back of the head, mr. rawlins. the evening's events have caught my adopted son and i quite off guard. my household was asleep when we got the call that the police had a suspect in coretta james' murder. did you know that she was a friend of mine, mr. rawlins!? oh, you know who i am? i am the next mayor, mr. rawlins. and luckily for you, a friend of the negro. when i arrived at the station i knew right off that you were being improperly detained as is coretta's boyfriend, dupree brouchard. it's this sort of thing that my administration will not tolerate, mr. rawlins. absolutely will not. yes. coretta answered phones for a while in my campaign office on 103rd and western. in fact my people got her a job in the phone company. so when i heard what had happened i got out of bed immediately, personally because of my concern. was anyone there with you mr. rawlins besides mr. dupree brouchard?. any. other friends of coretta's? no young lady perhaps? of course not, mr. rawlins. and why should you tell a man whom you've only just met. but, believe me, mr. rawlins. you can trust me. well don't worry, mr. rawlins. i won't tolerate your being harassed. you or any of my constituency -- i was a city councilman in the watts area for two terms with a large contingent of colored -- i value all of my supporters equally. humble though they may be -- where can we drop you, mr. rawlins? are you sure, mr. rawlins? this must be quite out of your way. norman, pull the car over. mr. rawlins, may i offer you cab fare?