what about dinner? i was thinking more of roaring fireplaces. mulled wine and a nice brie. how about tomorrow night? ah. hi. i just had to make a quick call, and this was the nearest phone. actually, it's kind of a double celebration. * we closed a pretty big deal today and a lot of it was due to holly. show him the watch. go on, show him. what're you, embarrassed? a little token of our appreciation for all her work. what's happening? the police? john? christ, he could fuck this whole thing up. what does he think he's doing? his 'job' is 3000 miles away. without him, they might let us go. at least we have a chance. i never through i'd love to hear that sound. i'm tired of sitting here waiting to see who gets us killed first. them. or your husband. hi there. hey, i negotiate million dollar deals for breakfast. i can handle these clowns. i want to talk to hans. hans! sprickenzie talk? hope i'm not interrupting? it's not what i want, it's what i can give you. look, let's be straight, okay? it's obvious you're not some dumb thug up here to snatch a few purses, am i right? hey, i read the papers, i watch 60 minutes, i say to myself, these guys are professionals, they're motivated, they're happening. they want something. now, personally, i don't care about your politics. maybe you're pissed at the camel jockeys, maybe it's the hebes, northern ireland, that's none of my business. i figure, you're here to negotiate, am i right? hey, business is business. you use a gun, i use a fountain pen, what's the difference? to put it in my terms, you're here on a hostile takeover and you grab us for some greenmail but you didn't expect a poison pill was gonna be running around the building. hans, baby. i'm your white knight. the guy upstairs who's fucking things up? i can give him to you. john, they're giving me a few minutes to try and talk some sense into you. i know you think you're doing your job, and i can appreciate that, but you're just dragging this thing out. none of us gets out of here until these people can negotiate with the la police, and they're just not gonna start doing that until you stop messing up the works. i told them we're old friends and you were my guest at the party. tell me about it. all right. john, listen to me. they want you to tell them where the detonators are. they know people are listening. they want the detonators of they're going to kill me. john, i think you could get with the program a little. the police are here now. it's their problem. tell these guys where the detonators are so no one else gets hurt. hey, i'm putting my life on the line for you buddy. what am i, a method actor? hans, babe, put away the gun. this is radio, not television. john, how can you say that, after all these years--? john? john?