ladies and gentlemen, due to the nakatomi corporation's legacy of greed around the globe, it is about to be taught a lesson on real power. you. will be witnesses. if our demands are not met, however -- -- you may become participants instead. now, where is'takagi'? where is the man who.  . used to be in charge here?
mr. takagi. how do you do. my name is hans gruber.
nice suit. john philips. london?
i have two myself. i'm told arafat shops there too.
it's beautiful. i always enjoyed models as a boy. the exactness, the attention to every foreseeable detail.  perfection.
i believe you. i read the article in forbes. *
mr. takagi, we could discuss industrialization of men's fashions all day, but i'm afraid my associate, mr. theo, has some questions for you. sort of fill-in-the blanks questions actually.
sit down!
mr. takagi. i'm not interested in your computer. i'm interested in the 640 million dollars in negotiable bearer bonds you have in you vault.
yes. i know about them. the code key is a necessary step in accessing the vault.
who said we were terrorists?
the code key, please?
then there's no reason not to tell it to us.
this is too nice a suit to ruin, mr. takagi. i'm going to count to three. there will not be a four. give me the code.
we do it the hard way! tony, see if you can dispose of that. karl, you'd better check heinrich's work up on the machine floor.
see to heinrich.  now. you can break the code key?
how long?
if out plan works. the fbi will get rid of it for us.
call 911, give them the name and badge number on your uniform and cancel the alarm. then disable the system. eddie? what floor did the alarm go off?
i wanted this to be professional, efficient, adult, cooperative. not a lot to ask. alas, your mr. takagi did not see it that way.  so he won't be joining us for the rest of his life. we are prepared to go any way you make us. when we have achieved our aims you can walk out of here.  or be carried out. decide now, each of you. but remember that we have planned everything to the last detail. we are completely in change.
get them over there. schnell!
security guard? they're usually tired and burned out old policemen growing * fat on a pension. this is.  something else.
franco, you and fritz take the body upstairs and out of sight. i don't want the hostages to think too much.
i know what you are feeling. but this is not productive --
no. heinrich's team must finish planting the detonators. and theo needs time on the vault. after the * police come they'll waste hours trying to negotiate. that's when we search * for this man. until then. we do not alter the plan.
the roof. it's the best place to transmit.
karl, i know you want him, but the police are probably on their way. maybe we can convince them it was all a mistake, but not if they hear gunshots! if you lock him in he'll be neutralized -- now do it! karl? karl!
-- all of you, stay at your posts! we knew that police action was inevitable.  . in fact, it's necessary. so let them start their feeble efforts; until them, stay calm. we have the hostages, remember. we are still in charge.
i told all of you. i want radio silence until further --
ah, how nice of you to call. i assume you are our mysterious party crasher. you are most troublesome for a. security guard?
who are you, then?
check on all the others. don't use the radio. see if he's lying about marco and find out if anyone * else is missing. *
mr. mystery guest. are you still there?
i'm afraid not. but you have me at a loss -- you know my name, but who are you? just another american who saw too many movies as a child. another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks he's john wayne. rambo.  marshal dillion.
do you really think you have a chance against us, mr. cowboy?
he had the detonators! theo? theo!
we may have some problems. how is your schedule?
then don't waste time talking to me.
the police are irrelevant. we've * waiting for the fbi. until they * arrive, we can't finish out work. meanwhile, let this fool waste time for the police. fritz, go help uli * find the bag.
we must find those detonators.
oh? what idiot put you in charge?
go on.
no. but i'll have a sofa brought out to you. good enough?
yes, you're right. it will be done.
mr. takagi chose his people well, mrs?
they'll be coming. get ready. theo, watch the screens. be our eyes and ears. wait until they're close.
don't get impatient. just wound them.
hit it again.
you idiot, it's not the police.  . it's him.
if you'd listened to me he would be neutralized already!
what does he want?
you're very perceptive.
you're amazing. you figured this all out already?
i must have missed 60 minutes. what are you saying?
good. then you'll give us what we want and save your friend's life. you're not part of this equation. it's time to realize that.
hear that? talk to me, where are my detonators. where are they or shall i shoot another one? sooner or later.  . i might get to someone you do care about.
this is hans gruber. i assume you realize the futility of direct action against me. we have no wish for further loss of life.
i have comrades in arms around the world who are languishing in prison. the american state department enjoys rattling its saber to its own ends.  now it can rattle it for me.
in sri lanka, the nine members of the asian dawn movement.
i read about them in time magazine. when these revolutionary brothers and sisters are free, the hostages in this building will be taken to the roof and they will accompany us in helicopters to the los angeles international airport where you will be given further instructions. you have two hours to comply.
who cares? theo. are we on schedule?
i'll check the explosives. you just get those detonators.
--ohgodplease -- don't kill me -- don't kill me -- you're one of them, i know it --
a way up to the roof. i thought i could signal for help --
you. you're an american?
there was a party -- celebration -- all of a sudden they were there -- shooting -- threatening us --
you. you don't work for nakatomi.  and if you're not one of them.
new york.
william clay. call me bill.
one weekend i went to a combat ranch.  you know, that game with the, the guns that shoot red paint? must sound pretty silly to you.
karl! franco! i'm on 33. come quickly. put down your gun and give me my detonators.
put it down now.
i'm going to count to three.
you were saying.
the glass! shoot the glass!
smile, karl. we are back in business.
* well have a look at what our friends outside are doing and i'll be right up.
that's the fbi. ordering them to cut * the building's power. they're as regular as clockwork. or a time lock.
the circuits that cannot be cut.  are cut automatically in reponse to a terrorist incident. you ask for miracles, theo. i give you the fbi.
encourage them to be bolder.
this is hans.
i hear you, fbi. we'll be ready.
when they touch down and we blow the roof, they'll spend a month sifting through the bodies and rubble. by the time they figure out what went wrong.  . we'll be earning twenty percent like nice fat capitalists.
mrs. mcclane. how nice to make your acquaintance.
on your feet, everyone! upstairs, now! you'll lock them up there and come right down.
a little bonus for us. a policeman's wife might come in handy.
mcclane! mcclane! i have some news for you. mcclane?
mcclane? karl? karl?
i'm an exceptional thief, mrs. mcclane. and now that i'm moving up to kidnapping, you should be more polite.
schnell, schnell. der zeitz ist kurz.
blow the roof. now!
let's move.
when you steal six hundred dollars, you can disappear. but when you steal six hundred million, they will find you. unless you play dead. which happens to be your next role.  drop your gun, please.
nein, dies ein ist mein. this time john wayne does not walk off into the sunset with grace kelly.
no more jokes, drop it or she gets it between the eyes!
'yippe-ki-yea, mother fucker'? now you are fucked.