they're for my wife. she's pregnant. if i knew she was gonna eat a dozen at a shot, i woulda bought stock in the company. one adam ten, go ahead. nakatomi plaza? roger, dispatch. i'm on the way. guard inside. no signs of disturbance . i'm going up for a closer look. we got an emergency call that there was a problem here. screw this. sorry to water your time. merry christmas. one adam ten to 6421. we had a wild goose chase on that 436. everything's okay here. over. 'oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the. the uh, dum, de dum's delightful' roger. '. let is snow, let it snow, let it snow -- ' -- jesus h. christ! 6421, this is one adam ten -- one adam ten, under automatic rifle fire at nakatomi! requesting immediate backup and swat assistance. what's left of him. can you identify yourself? how do you know? i hear you. partner. and la's finest are on it, so light 'em if you got 'em. uh, what do i call you? got it'roy'. now listen. if you think of anything else you think we need to know, don't be shy, okay? in the meantime i want you to find a safe place and hole-up and let us do our job. understand? i am, sir. sergeant al powell. the terrorists? don't know, sir. we haven't heard a peep from them. we don't exactly know, sir. he won't give us him name. he appears to be the man who called in the report. he's killed one of the terrorists for sure and claims he capped two others. i don't think so, sir. in fact. i think he's a cop. maybe not lapd, but definitely a badge. a hunch. things he said. like, knowing how to recognize a phony what's going on? going in. are you out of your mind? there's 30 hostages in there -- for all we know -- what about the body that fell out of the window -- ? i'm here, roy, but i'm, uh, kind of busy. let's talk later, okay? i said we'll talk later, roy. if you're what i think you are you should know when to listen, when to shut up. and when to pray. they're shooting at the lights. safe and sound, thanks to you. what the fuck was that? no, but it's gonna need one hell of a paint job and a shitload of screen doors. one spotters say you got two with that blast. yessir. hey, i love you. so do a lot of the guys. so hang in there, man. hang in there. roy! you all right? 'sugar, enriched flour, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, polysorbate 60 and yellow dye #5.' not yet, the wife in working on our first. you got any kids back on the ranch? it's a date. you buy the ice cream. christ, can't you read between the lines! he did everything he could to save him. if he gave himself up they'd both be dead! he's alone, tired, hunted, and hasn't seen diddly-squat from us and you think he gives a flying fuck about what you're going to do to him? robinson, wake up and smell the shit you're shoveling! no sir. you couldn't drag me away. this is -- i'm here, cowboy. don't tell me, partner. i'm just a desk jockey who was on the way home when you rang. in my youth, partner. in my youth. you want a breath mint? aren't you forgetting something? john mcclane! he's the man who gave us all the information we've got! he's the reason you're facing seven terrorists instead of twelve. t. that's the same goddamn thing the terrorists said! roy? you still with us? they boys'll be glad. we got a pool going on you. you don't want to know. i. i shot a kid. eleven years ago. oh, it was dark. he was big for his age. damn ray gun he had looked real enough. yeah, i had all the right excuses. but afterwards. i really couldn't draw my gun again. hey, you couldn't know. then this won't matter. lapd's not calling the shots anymore. ask the fbi. they've got the terrorist playbook and they're running it, step by step. what do we do now, arrest them for not paying their electric bill? i'm here, john. i got it. but you can tell her yourself. just watch your ass and you'll make it. roy? roy? hello? hello? i thought you had him. tell me about it. bullshit. a pleasure. i guess john doesn't need me to give you that message anymore. you know, about him being such a jerk -- and how he's really sor -- -- ee. uh, i'm sure he'll fill you in. you were right. you couldn't have made it without me.