who's talking to them? dwayne robinson. well, what have you learned? what do they want? then who the hell have you been talking too? he claims? powell, has it occured to you he could be one of the terrorists, pulling your chain? or some kind of nut case who -- how do you know? -- recognizing phony id's? christ, powell, he could be a fucking bartender for all we know! oh shit. what's it look like? we're going in. -- all we know? we don't know shit, powell. if there's hostages why hasn't anyone asked for ransom? if there's terrorists, where's their goddamn list of demands? all we know is that someone shot up your car, and it could be the same flake you've been talking to on the radio! who the hell knows? maybe he was a stockbroker who looked at the dow jones and opted for early retirement! i'm coming. they're shooting at them they're going after the lights! call them back. is that him? (reaching for powell's this is deputy chief of police dwayne t. robinson, and i'm in charge of this situation. listen asshole -- ! goddamn, didn't you hear him! he practically pulled the goddamned trigger himself -- he gave that man to them -- maybe. and maybe they'd at least be talking to us! now tell your 'partner' to stay out of it, or so help me if he lives through this i'll put him behind bars myself! anytime you want to go home, sergeant. consider yourself dismissed. this is deputy chief robinson. who is this? what do you wish for, mister gruber? two hours? are you insane? i can't authorize. hello? hello? the. the fbi? here? now? dwayne robinson, lapd. i'm in charge here. we've got thirty, maybe thirty-five hostages, probably on the 30th floor. seven, maybe eight terrorists. he may be a cop. we're checking on that -- no, sir. -- ten blocks? are you crazy? it's christmas eve, thousands of people -- the mayor'll scream bloody murder -- i want you for debrief, mcclane. you've got some things to answer for -- ellis' murder -- property damage -- interfering with police * business --