ladies and gentlemen. i congratulate each and every one of you for making this one of the greatest days in the history of the nakatomi corporation. holly gennero? i've spent half my life on airplanes, * i can recognize someone who just got off one. i'm joe takagi, mr. mcclane. i have . something to do with this company. holly went to the vault room to fax some documents. she should be back any. ellis, this is john mcclane. holly's policeman? ellis is in charge of international acquisitions. can i get you anything? food? cake? watered down champagne punch? hey, we're flexible. pearl harbor didn't work out, we got you with tape decks. you wife's made for this business. she know how to drive a hard bargain. this is what this is about? out building project in indonesia? contrary to what you people think, we're going to develop that region. not 'exploit' it. i don't have that code! you broke in here to access out computer?!? any information you could get -- they wake up in tokyo in the morning, they'll change it! you won't be able to blackmail our executives or threaten -- you want. money? what kind of terrorists are you? it's useless to you! there's seven safeguards on our vault, and the code key is only one of them! you'll never get it open! i don't know it! get on a goddamn jet to tokyo and ask the chairman! i'm telling you! you're just going to have to kill me --