i should be asking how you are, congressman. johnson pats his chest and smiles at vera. it's good to see you back on your feet, jeff. we need you in washington. inconspicuously, a pretty young redhead whispers to vera. this is jennifer, johnson's administrative assistant . she'll be thrilled you asked after her. 8 in the hallway loretta emerges from the ladies' room. 8 catches a spike heel. recovers her balance. then frantically searches her hands and clothes, screams, and gets down on hands and knees. now i won't run through jeff's record -- he's been in congress twenty years, and i've only got two minutes. i'll just say this: when those of us in pharmaceuticals, or agribusiness, or insurance, or utilities, or you name it -- when we've needed him, jeff's been there for us. and we've been there for jeff, too -- we raised a hundred thousand dollars today! shoot. tommy moves away from the pillar, sees bruno roaming the terrace, and retreats. you're what? jeff. listen to me. you can't retire. florida needs you. i need you. i need you on rates. i need you on regulations. i need you on those environmental nutcases -- how tidy? come on, jeff. look at what you'd be giving up. going to the best resorts in the world and calling it "official business." golfing and skiing and fishing, and never picking up a tab. and, jeff -- there's no aphrodisiac like power. you can have some of the most intelligent, attractive women in the country. you've got it made! okay, jeff. i get it. look. there's a little software company that's about to go through the roof. johnson smiles at the direction the conversation is taking. on tommy also smiling, in admiration at the transaction going down. a few thousand worth of stock options would stand to make you quite a pile. as long as your blind trust buys them, you're clean -- the sec can't shake a stick at you. half a million, easy -- and that's just a start. mr. chairman! glad to meet you, son. they tell me you've got a real talent for the game. it's tragic, cancer's a terrible thing, but there's no way you can link it to power lines. truth is, there's a bigger electromagnetic field given off by an electric blanket, or a microwave oven, than by those derricks. there's not a single state health official anywhere in this country who says power lines cause cancer. "kill us"? "kill us"? you calling me a murderer? you're saying there's blood on these hands? how dare you talk to me like that, you -- o'connor puts a restraining arm on andersen. tommy -- do you want to move the power lines? do you know how much it would cost to bury them? millions. tens of millions. i don't have that money. the state doesn't have that money. you people up here sure don't have that money. you know who'd end up paying for it? folks who sent you here, that's who. oh, by the way, tommy, on a completely different subject -- you don't have a state pac yet, do you? i'd like to give you a hundred thousand dollar corporate contribution to start one up. are you interested? yes? what's that. wait a minute. there's no scientific proof -- i can't believe it. this is my lifeblood! this could mean six figures, dick. dodge says nothing, but makes his eyebrows fly. high six figures. dodge flicks his eyebrows again: more. seven figures? how the hell can i funnel that kind of money to you? no one will know? waiter! champagne! see you at the clear air hearings. 156 int. tommy's reception area. corridor - day 156 as reinhardt comes into the office, tommy intercepts him. you're fired. that's a vicious lie. dodge gavels sharply, turns to tommy. that's not possible! you can't give anyone that kind of money! dodge continues gaveling. you bastard! you set me up! you stood to make a million bucks off of me! who offered you more? i want to know! a new buzz sweeps the room. o'connor tries to restrain andersen, who sloughs him off. you're as big a whore as he is! mickey juba catches tommy's eye and mouths a question. there's no loyalty any more, is there, dick? what about the three hundred grand you squeezed from me for that goddam voter registration front of yours -- that just water under the bridge? o'connor tries again to restrain him. don't touch me, you scum! mickey juba mouths: what about the two hundred k for your phony foundation, dick? how about the ten thousand copies if your goddam autobiography you muscled me to buy -- what's all that, ancient history? andersen advances toward the dais, pointing now to six or seven other members of the committee among the total of and you -- what about those bundled checks from my executives? i gave you my condo in vail! i gave you my corporate jet to fly all over the world! i gave your kids summer jobs! i put up scholarships to put your kids through college! i hired your goddam wife to redecorate my office! you telling me none of that counts for anything? andersen grabs dodge by the throat. i thought you people were for sale! i was wrong -- you're just for rent! dodge struggles free of andersen, who is dragged away from dodge by capitol police. they're whores! all of them! mickey juba tries again.