it was my honor to serve in congress with jeff johnson for a generation. no one could have been a better legislator. no one could have been a finer husband and father. and now -- he presses the tips of his fingers together and looks skyward, as if communing with his memory of the deceased. and now god has called his servant home. angle on jennifer, in black. we will miss him. but we are grateful that his passing was so peaceful -- and so like him -- working late into the night at his desk, the consummate public servant. vera, i know you're still in shock from jeff's. passing. but we have to talk about his seat. vera stares at jennifer. she knows the score. vera, i'd like you to announce that you're going to run for congress. let a few days pass to show proper respect. but next week, i want to stand next to you at a press conference where you declare for jeff's seat in the house. there's nothing to be afraid of, vera. with your name, you can't lose. people around these parts are so used to voting for jeff johnson -- why, mrs. jeff johnson would win in a walk. vera, we're talking about becoming a member of congress. we're talking about a sure thing. tonight we unite the two great pillars of our system -- political and financial. to the forty-four newly-elected members of congress, i say, look around you tonight. look around, and be thankful for the generosity. tommy inspects the sea of barracudas. the people you see not only provided tonight's hospitality. they are the people you serve. that's our system of checks and balances at its best. their support helped get you elected. your work will help them. and their support will help you in your next campaign, which i remind you is already less than two years away. 66 int.. ext. adirondacks - large doors - night 66 in b.g., the capitol dome. as tommy and loretta leave, they pass dick dodge, who is saying goodnight to guests. he stops them. you know, mr. johnson, it's customary for new members to pay a courtesy call on the old fogies in the leadership. especially from their home state. how do you do? you could make up for it by having a nightcap with me. may i have my car take you home? no. no, it's not. but -- good thinking, johnson. i'm impressed by your instincts. tell me, johnson. why did you come to washington? cut the bullshit, johnson. i saw how you got elected. flukes like you are either nutcases or troublemakers. i just want to know which one i have on my hands. who sent you here? you pulled off that upset on your own? i'm impressed, johnson, i am. but why did you run for congress? no bullshit. what a refreshing answer. he laughs again, richly amused. tommy joins in the laughter. i heard in the steam room you're going to try to screw up my ethics bill. come on, eli, your amendments don't have a chance in hell to pass. my bill isn't perfect, i know, but it'll pass. and the president'll sign it. because the public wants an ethics bill! so that's what we call it. come on, eli, you're a politician, too. the less you're going to do about something, the more you have to talk about it. you know that. they start walking. that's the beauty of it! they must, eli -- they keep re-electing us. oh, i wouldn't read too much into that. a few extra retirements, some redistricting -- nothing more than that. it's still business as usual up here. dodge takes his glasses from his pocket and wipes them. i live in the real world, eli. do you? what's unemployment up to in your district? eight percent? eight-five? power and enterprise is about to fund a solar demonstration plant, eli. it could mean a whole lot to a district -- new jobs, new construction -- that interest you? eli, the people who elected you. they sent you here to help them. don't you want to? come on board, eli. you know -- you can't save the world if you can't save your seat. tommy enters. marshall gives him a once-over and extends a hand. eli, you'll excuse us -- we have a meeting. johnson, i'm the chairman of a committee up here called power and industry. we've got an open seat, and i was wondering if you'd consider filling it. well, it is a difficult assignment -- look at what we cover: energy, health, telecommunications, environment. the committee is constantly beset by a swarm of special interests. these are powerful people, they've got all the money in the world, and they're not shy about using it. most members would give their right nut for it. congressman. i just want you to smile for the cameras. tommy, someone i want you to meet. dodge steers tj to a preppy-looking man at the witness table -- barclay "skeeter" warburton. skeeter, do you know tommy johnson? meet the new member of the committee. tommy, this is barclay warburton. this epa oversight hearing of the committee on power and industry will come to order. i'd like to welcome our first witness, the distinguished administrator of the environmental protection agency. . but before i do, i note that a new member is joining us today, the distinguished gentleman from florida. now let me get this straight. you voted to make people on medicare pay more money to their doctors? tommy -- if i'm not mistaken, you wouldn't be here without the good senior citizens of your district. you got to dance with the girl that brung you, son. if you have a bit of business to do, do it quietly. in the corridors. in the subcommittees. with little amendments. you mess around on the big ones like medicare, you'll be dead meat on election day. do you know what your problem is, son? you don't think big enough. you have a real knack for this town, but you have the soul of a two-bit hustler. listen to me, tommy. five hundred thirty-five members of congress. some are smart, and some stupid. some good, some not. but all of them, son, all of them consumed by the single overriding imperative that defines the very washington way of life. getting re-elected. you don't know what percent of the incumbents who ran last time got re-elected, do you? ninety-six. and ninety-eight before that. it's like that election after election. if you don't fuck up, you can be here, raking it in, for life. life, johnson. tommy considers this. then a big smile. i knew you had it in you. oh, throw them a bone. why don't you co-sponsor a bill for mandatory universal health insurance? nothing. it'll never pass. amen, gentleman. amen. they turn, somewhat surprised to see dick dodge, who joins iowa at the microphones, a natural leader. what a fine effort this is. i am totally sympathetic. congressional hearings should be scheduled as soon as possible. the american people deserve no less. he puts an arm around mickey. message: we care. on the rocks, or neat? well, why ruin good bourbon with the taste of some shitty sears icemaker, that's what i always say. cheers. son, you're a real comer. i wouldn't be surprised if you ended up in the leadership. i'll say this: if i were speaker, i'd sleep better with you as a lieutenant. but i'm not. of course i did. we're all sympathetic to little girls with cancer. but i'm not sympathetic to holding an inquiry. i know what i said. but that was just a press conference, son. i wasn't under oath. the intercom buzzes. yes?. bring them right in! look. son. it's great to get your name in the paper. i bet the gentleman from iowa was all over the evening news in des moines tonight. getting good press -- letting them know you care -- that's what it's all about. smart move, tommy. but that's as far as i'd go with this, if i were you. the door opens. dodge turns to see olaf anderson, tommy o'connor, and zeke bridges enter. what a surprise! mr. chairman! hello, tommy. zeke you're looking well, good to see you. help me with these, would you, tommy? tommy and i were just talking about power lines. you really fell for the line that parents group fed you, didn't you? tommy is struck by dodge's intelligence. oh, i keep my ear to the ground, that's what a good politician does. listen, tommy, why don't we just get olaf's take on this. for a smart boy, you're not thinking very politically. tommy watches the lightning. yeah, the system ain't perfect, but the fleas come with the dawg. i'll drink to that. you see that abc poll? president in trouble like that, he's liable to do something desperate. some damn fool stunt. hello, eli, good to see you. why don't you loosen your tie? last time i looked, it was the rules committee in charge of that. this isn't the rules committee, eli. this is the steam room. you know what your problem is, eli? you've got sermonitis. the other members chuckle. can't open your mouth without climbing into the pulpit, can you? why don't you just calm down, have a massage -- i went too far with him, i know it. you know him pretty well, don't you? come on, you play basketball together, you're seeing his niece, you've been to his church -- he'll listen to you, tommy. i want you to go make peace between us. tell him we'll work something out on his amendments -- not a vote, i won't go that far, but at least he'll get to say his piece on the floor. just get him off my back. can you do that for me? that's right. is there a problem? what's wrong? intercut tommy and dodge. good news doesn't come at this hour. were you driving? the girl from your office? listen carefully. tell the ambulance to take you to walter reed. it's a privilege they give congressmen. it's also the only hospital without a bunch of goddam reporters shtupping the nurses in exchange for leaks. they'll keep it quiet. i'll handle the police. you go home and keep your mouth shut. he did. i did. you learn fast. alright, son. this hearing of the power and enterprise committee is now in order. the health of america's securities industry -- hello? i'm listening. that's very interesting, my friend. i've heard that, too. but thank you, son -- i'm glad you chose to share it with me. we do make quite a team, don't we? no, this is a stunt for the polls. if we got the epa off olaf andersen's back, he'd be extremely appreciative. my committee writes the epa's programs. we audit their funds. we confirm their appointees. i've got them by the balls. oh, no, not at all -- just. persuasion. strenuous persuasion. persuasion, yes. intimidation, no. but it's a gray area. who's to say which is which? of course. he should be in by now. skeeter warburton, of course. always go right to the top, son. get me the epa administrator, please. 145 int. corridor. stairwell - cannon - day 145 tommy jogs along the corridor. a tourist family stares at him. he explains his haste with a smile -- i need a straight answer from you, skeeter. is the white house on your ass about power lines? of course. thanks for your candor, warburton. olaf will be at my office at five o'clock. cool. real cool. you just follow my lead. 153 int. dodge's office - day - dodge, tommy, andersen, 153 i don't know how i can help you on this one, olaf. this is the epa. this is the president. i see that, olaf, i see that. but in this town, you pick your fights. no one will know. of course there's no connection. olaf's just making a contribution as a patriotic citizen. and in return for it, he's getting -- exactly. a little access, that's all. i've got to do a drop-by. you gentlemen like to join me for a drink? let's work the room just a bit more. evening, reinhardt. -- he sees warburton. well. look who's over there -- skeeter warburton from the epa. the very man we want to see. at a hazardous waste event? i think we'll go talk to him. you don't understand -- he's the perfect man. nothing beats man-to-man. a public place. what could be better? while the iron is hot, son. come on, son, we've got the people's business to do. he leads tommy off to one side. reinhardt brings warburton to them. i've got a big problem, skeeter. your power lines investigation. we're off the record, skeeter. this witch-hunt for cancer clusters is bad news for everyone. alright, i know you're being a good soldier -- then let me be straight with you. you announce this study -- i'm not talking about the results down the road, mind you, i'm just talking about the announcement -- and there's broken crockery everywhere. real estate. utilities. insurance. schools. local governments. it'll cost jobs. uproot families. i'm glad we understand each other. and we'll just forget about that phone call this morning? excellent. dodge claps him on the shoulder, then heads off with tommy, who is delighted to have dodged a bullet. you're bad. worked like a charm. we scared him shitless. the investigation's dead. why, thank you, son. this meeting of the power and enterprise committee to consider the reauthorization of the clean air act is now in session. today's first business is a panel of national leaders in the field of utilities. before i welcome them, chair would like to yield to the gentleman from florida for a word. if there is no objection from the committee -- ? the gentleman may proceed. my courage? but i've. i've. i've done nothing new, nothing at all -- what are you talking about? well, yes, thank you, but we have to move along, if the gentleman would -- will the gentleman yield? i insist that the gentlemen yield! i thank the distinguished gentleman. and i thank my fellow citizens. our methods in this investigation may have been unorthodox, but together -- we have exposed a canker at the very heart of democracy. witness is out of order! how dare you impugn my integrity! everything i've done has been completely legal! there's nothing i've done that -- -- that these gentlemen haven't done! committee members rush to dissociate themselves from dodge. you lowlife hustler! who are you to talk? you got into this house through fraud. you think i didn't check up on you? he pulls a piece of paper from the pile at his place. ladies and gentlemen, i have here some rather startling revelations about this mr. johnson before you. this man is nothing but a con man! a fresh buzz from the room. a common grifter! he's wanted in three counties for bunco! he's a convicted swindler! some boos. reinhardt emerges from his hole, encouraged. a fugitive from justice for card sharping, bookmaking, confidence games -- -- and other charges the fbi has only begun to investigate! i dare you to respond! a hush in the room. the gentleman is out of order! the gentleman is out of order! this committee is adjourned! grandma leaps to her feet. 128: the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 3. 6 continued: 6 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 4. 7 continued: 7 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 5. 7 continued: 7 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 6. 8 continued: 8 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 7. 9 continued: 9 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 8. 10 continued: 10 without further ado, our man in washington, jefferson davis johnson. 12 in the hallway debbie hears the applause . she 12 gets up. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 10. 14 continued: 14 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 11. 14 continued: 14 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 12. 16 continued: 16 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 13. 17 continued: 17 as zeke's face flushes in anger, tommy sees bruno come into the room, blood in his eye. tommy turns sharply and heads out the terrace doors to the -- the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 14. 18 continued: 18 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 16. 23 continued: 23 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 17. 27 continued: 27 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 18. 27 continued: 27 loretta gets up and goes for the kitchen. we hear a high-pitched electronic warble. tommy reaches into loretta's purse and pulls out a cellular phone. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 19. 27 continued: 27 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 20. 27 continued: 27 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 20a. 28 continued: 28 up by the racks of junk food and beer, and pails of fish slop, tommy and armando await homer. in b.g., an older black gentleman plays checkers, solo. this is van dyke. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 21. 28 continued: 28 they all look at him expectantly. he takes a dramatic pause, then launches into a "come to jesus" speech. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 22. 28 continued: 28 tommy produces a sheaf of xeroxes and pamphlets. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 23. 28 continued: 28 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 25. 30 continued: 30 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 26. 30 continued: 30 she ponders for a minute. and then she gets it. a wicked smile. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 27. 31 continued: 31 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 28. 31 continued: 31 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 29. 32 continued: 32 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 30. 36 continued: 36 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 31. 43 continued: 43 the small crowd -- tommy's cronies, their pals, and a jubilant contingent of panthers led by hattie -- lets out a great whoop. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 32. 43 continued: 43 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 33. 47 continued: 47 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 35. 50 continued: 50 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 36. 56 continued: 56 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 37. 60 continued: 60 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 38. 61 continued: 61 a big crowd slowly makes its way along a red carpet to the party. tommy was born to wear a tux. in his lapel, a red-and- gold eagle pin. on his arm, loretta, in a dramatic shoulderless and nearly backless gown, with three-quarter gloves. the other women in sight are far more conserva- tively dressed. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 39. 62 continued: 62 he puts his face close to tommy. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 40. 62 continued: 62 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 41. 62a continued: 62a the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 42. 63 continued: 63 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 43. 64 continued: 64 o'connor points. on the dais, andersen is engrossed with dodge. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 44. 65 continued: 65 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 45. 68 continued: 68 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 46. 69 continued: 69 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 48. 74 continued: 74 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 49. 77 continued: 77 she makes her way down the corridor, exchanging ad lib greetings, glancing in at the sedate receptions, and drawing closer to the source of the reggae -- tommy's office. she looks in. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 49a. 78 continued: 78 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 49b. 78 continued: 78 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 49c. 78 continued: 78 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 3. 25. 92 50. 81 continued: 81 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 51. 81 continued: 81 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 52. 82 continued: 82 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 53. 83 continued: 83 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 54. 84 continued: 84 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 55. 84 continued: 84 on the upper dais, dodge gavels. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 56. 86 continued: 86 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 57. 88 continued: 88 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 58. 89 continued: 89 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 59. 89 continued: 89 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 60. 92 continued: 92 on tommy's hand. a pair of threes. the betting starts, at a couple of chips, and comes round to tommy. he pushes a stack of chips to the center. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 60a. 93 continued: 93 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 61. 93c continued: 93c the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 62. 94 continued: 94 tommy has no idea, but he's certainly open to suggestions. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 63. 94 continued: 94 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 66. 97 continued: 97 celia is startled. tommy is embarrassed. the dumb compliment he's just spoken was one reinhardt typed on the computer screen. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 68. 102 continued: 102 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 69. 103 continued: 103 this actually hits tommy. celia, embarrassed, changes the subject. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 70. 104 continued: 104 and to the man whose pockets are bulging and whose soul is empty. the lord grants no 90-day extension! and when the last trump sounds, believe me, you will be audited! the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 71. 107 continued: 107 ahead of him, encamped in the hallway, he sees a phalanx of senior citizens, many carrying placards, and some camera crews. tommy adjusts his tie, turns on the charm, and approaches. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 72. 108 continued: 108 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 73. 108 continued: 108 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 74. 109 continued: 109 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 75. 109 continued: 109 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 76. 110 continued: 110 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 77. 111 continued: 111 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 78. 111 continued: 111 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 79. 112a continued: 112a the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 80. 115 continued: 115 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 81. 115 continued: 115 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 81a. 115 continued: 115 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 81b. 115 continued: 115 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 82. 115 continued: 115 andersen backs off, regains his composure. the outburst makes an impression on tommy. tommy i'm just saying, it's worth looking into. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 83. 115 continued: 115 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 84. 119 continued: 119 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 3. 25. 92 85a. 120 continued: 120 the door opens. eli marshall, fully dressed, comes in. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 86. 120 continued: 120 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 87. 121 continued: 121 dodge indicates his bloodhound nose. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 88. 122 continued: 122 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 88a. 124 continued: 124 loretta and reinhardt approach their table. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 89. 124 continued: 124 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 91. 133 continued: 133 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 92. 137 continued: 137 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 93. 137 continued: 137 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 94. 138 continued: 138 she points to an imaginary poker player. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 95. 139 continued: 139 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 96. 139 continued: 139 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 97. 140 continued: 140 reinhardt approaches tommy and slips him a packet of materials. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 98. 141 continued: 141 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 99. 141 continued: 141 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 100. 142 continued: 142 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 100a. 143 continued: 143 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 101. 143 continued: 143 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 102. 147 continued: 147 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 103. 150 continued: 150 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 104. 153 continued: 153 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 105. 155 continued: 155 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 106. 155 continued: 155 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 107. 155 continued: 155 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 108. 155 continued: 155 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 109. 155 continued: 155 they join up with andersen and o'connor. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 111. 160 continued: 160 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 112. 160 continued: 160 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 113. 160 continued: 160 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 114. 160 continued: 160 shocked murmurs sweep the room. reinhardt is aghast. homer and armando are delighted. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 115. 160 continued: 160 audience applauds dodge. the clapping is considerably sweetened by the panthers and the rest of tommy's claque. dodge gauges their reaction, gets an inspiration. the storm leaves his face, and becomes a smile, which he beams on tommy. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 117. 162 continued: 162 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 118. 162 continued: 162 tommy, enjoying the triumph, can't help rubbing dodge's nose in it. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 119. 162 continued: 162 laughter and applause. dodge bangs the gavel repeatedly. the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 120. 164 continued: 164 the distinguished gentleman - rev. 4. 3. 92 121-124. 164 continued: 164 celia arrives where tommy is standing. she looks at him a beat. then a big smile. they kiss.