this is very sweet of you, darling. but you shouldn't have done it. where did you get the money? how did i end up with a thief for a grandson? but also a crook. sometimes i just wish you were more like your daddy. no, smartmouth. i mean someone who made something of himself. compared to what? loretta, why don't you go baste the turkey? disgusting. tommy, please! i can't believe any relative of mine does that for a living. so my granddaughter talks dirty for a living and my grandson's a thief. of course i'm not. look. she goes to her sewing basket and pulls something from it. she unfolds it: a long piece of needlepoint she's been working on. look what these arthritic hands been doing. make me proud of you, tommy. make me proud of the name you carry. in the silence between them that follows, we hear the tv. name recognition. lordy, what a notion. people have to be some boobs just to vote for someone because their name is johnson. tommy's eyes widen. i remember once back in georgia, they even elected a dead man. his name was still on the ballot -- people were just used to voting for him. i've never been so proud in all my life. he was always such a good boy. well, i think he meant well. sometimes -- well he was a clean child. that's important, i think. pan to florida reporter #2 doing a stand-up. it's just that -- i'm so happy you straightened out. tommy smiles ambiguously. as applause continues, his eyes roam the room and make contact with dick dodge, standing at one of the leadership tables. tommy winks conspiratorially at him. there's such diabolical glee in it, it even takes dodge aback. hello, homer, dear. don't be silly, child. homer's known tommy since they were in diapers. stop banging! stop banging! that man has something to say! massive applause. dodge is stunned by the enormity of the sentiment against him.