yeah, i got work to do. i don't get it. yeah -- why would anyone vote for you? in your dreams, tommy. you bums got time on your hands. i got a business to run. on loretta working the ringing pay phone. i thought you'd be alone. congressman, i have information i think you may want. it's about something going on at the epa. i got a wife and three kids, and a note on my house, that's what i got. in the right hands, it could mean a great deal. you have to be shitting me. alright. the white house is putting heat on the epa. they want us to announce a major investigation of the relation between power lines and cancer clusters. yeah, but when the draft got to the white house, they didn't like it. so they brought their own scientists in to kill it. who knows? yeah -- their polls have dropped like a rock. they need an issue. this one makes them look good on the environment, and they don't have to spend a penny. come on, congressman, in this town, information is currency. and advance information is gold. reinhardt nods in agreement. but you've got to move fast. once the white house goes public with this, they can't turn back. if your friends at the power company want to kill this investigation, they'd better do it now. evening, gentlemen. homer norton. homer's pit stop, axahatchee, florida.