yes, i'm ellen juba. this is my daughter, mickey. we'd like to see our congressman. we live in the district. ellen juba. my daughter mickey. we'd like to see him. you don't understand. we're not tourists. we're constitutents. i'm a goddam citizen! isn't that enough! congressman? you? armando tries to escort her out. get your hands off me! mickey tries to block armando. they call it a "cancer cluster." oh, at first, none of us in the neighborhood wanted to believe it, but then we all saw it -- for me, it was when the two-year-old across the street developed a brain tumor, same as mickey. we looked at everything -- the water, the air, dump sites, insects, you name it. but we didn't have to look that far. it was staring us in the face. high-voltage power lines. the wires cause magnetic fields -- and the magnetic fields cause cancer. especially in children. the studies, the numbers -- it's all there. five children in the neighborhood have cancer. one more has precancerous lesions. pregnant women around here are scared to death. turns out a lot of schools are near power lines. the land's cheap, so the schools tend to buy it from the power companies in the first place. we asked the superintendent to measure the magnetic field inside the school. he said, okay, only it'll cost forty thousand dollars, and what program did we want him to cut that from? we're nobody, congressman. you're somebody. we need your help. tommy takes celia aside.