rafe simon, freshman from tulsa. and this is bo chandler -- jeff johnson? you're jeff johnson? the guy from florida? the rest of us are out there on the campaign trail, raising money, kissing ass, making speeches, dragging our butts from place to place -- and he slides in on pure name recognition! let me tell you something, jeff. a tense beat. then rafe breaks into a smile. fuckin' brilliant. bo winks at tommy. tommy thank you. thank you both very much. isn't that nice, now, don't you think? this is miss loretta, boys. she extends a regal hand to each, liza doolittle at the ball. oh, no, i did morning weather and traffic for ktok in tulsa. yeah, but don't you go to his reception before you go to my reception. well, it was a motion to reconsider the motion to reconsider. bo, passing by, intervenes. school lunches.