of blessed memory. i do. don't laugh, they get an enormous turnout. but the big thing is, they have their own line on the ballot. they already got the signatures. the lady we're meeting, hattie rifkin, they call her the condo queen. we were wondering who you were going to run for congress this year. are you sure you don't want to come to washington with us, homer? would you care for some herring? mr. willie? congressman johnson is calling. can you take his call? thank you. please hold. van dyke puts him on hold, counts to three, gets back on the line. i'm sorry, mr. willie, he just picked up another call. listen, i know why he was calling -- he hasn't heard from you about his fundraiser. pan to armando. may i help you? just a moment, please. could you come out? thank you. be right with you. i like your hat. loretta comes out and extends a hand. why are we meeting here, tommy? there trouble at the office? what do we do? you can't con a con, congressman. here he comes. the telephone man nods, adjusts some wiring, smiles satisfiedly. is this the assignment desk? yes, i'm calling from chairman dodge's office, on the hill. we wanted to be sure cnn was sending a crew to the clean air hearing today.