how's that granddaughter of yours, olaf? ready for the olympics? no, dick -- no. dick, i was a washington wife for twenty years. twenty years of potomac bullshit is plenty for one lifetime. i'm sure you would, dear. but i couldn't give you the same job satisfaction jeff gave you. jennifer, embarrassed, didn't know vera knew. nor did dodge. i'm not sure i understand, professor franklin -- you wrote your doctoral thesis on my husband? he. did? really. well, i'm sure. it's very kind of you to say so. and you're very kind to come all the way from. where was it? i see. so you want. his papers? take 'em. take 'em all. would you like the wedding photos, too? good -- that way you won't have to go rooting around in the garbage. is there anything else? more tea? or something stronger? i know it's only ten-thirty, but, hell, sun's over the yardarm somewhere, right? you're in pretty good shape for a professor. d'you work out? tommy rises and packs his briefcase hastily.