the sum' bitch looks terrific. how about taking our orders, son? bourbon straight up and a perrier rocks for the lady. sure, why not. at the entrance loretta pauses before going into the room. hey, what about our drinks? tommy instantly assumes an angry young street black voice: what? you already took our order. bourbon straight up and a perrier rocks. don't get me wrong, jeff. pyramid insurance doesn't want special breaks. i just think we ought to be able to set our own rates without uncle sam sticking his nose in our business. johnson signals jennifer to come over. at pyramid insurance, we call our approach the patient's bill of rights. 10 in the hallway loretta and debbie are on hands and 10 knees, still looking. a pair of shoes comes into frame. they look up at a bullet-headed man. hey! where the hell are our drinks. surprised, tommy opts for an east indian accent. bourbon neat and a perrier, dammit! good to see you, you old sum' bitch. congressman. you look awfully familiar. tommy just smiles. for every study that says one thing, i'll show you a study saying another. we've studied it ourselves. nada. you kill the insurance companies. my company would be honored to do the same.