just come back in the house, you shouldn't drive -- you really should stay. you're in no condition -- sorry. c'mon. whoa, whoa, settle down, slow down. robert giles, your neighbor -- behind you? think i startled him. robert. my fault. just glad i could help. must be a little difficult when the man of the house is stuck in the house. i've always been curious about those things, do you mind? no, no. it's none of my business. whoa, hey, dude. you seem like a straight hitter. you ask me, whoever they are deserved it. and i think i opened my big mouth again. you're absolutely right. i should go. in that case, cafe con leche, por favor? which one? yeah? you a longhorns fan, too? me neither. had a lot of friends who went there. i stayed in minnesota till i moved here. so when you say you "popped" your teacher -- phew, just making sure i wasn't living next to some psycho killer. listen, i get it though. i had plenty of teachers i wanted to just. kill. but no matter how hard it is to hold back, the high road's always the better choice. why not. thanks, man. oh, hey, kale. nice to finally meet you. uh, yes, can i help you, officer? no, i certainly wouldn't. absolutely, be my guest. i hit it the other night. thought i'd save a few steps and get it off the road myself. i was gonna bury it sooner, but it's been a helluva week -- because it's a classic, i got it out of storage for the auto show, i needed it in pristine condition. please, i understand. who swings the bat across ronnie's face. ronnie drops out of frame behind the island. -- now right behind him -- swings the bat and trips kale up. kale falls just short of his kite string boundary line. you finally wanna be an orphan? if you don't stop fighting me, i will gut her like a fish. so where's the tape? you're right, i'll find it later. it's funny, i hear a lot of authors say their first books were easy, it's the second one that's really hard. wonder if your dad thought that. see with me, it's the opposite. the very first one was. . very difficult. she was very beautiful. fragile. a lot of promise. the others in texas were flings, low class. patty walsh had potential, but so did amy. you saw her, right? when you were watching me? you should feel good, kale, you guys saved her life. i was headed in to kill her when your girlfriend showed up. so, you're a hero, kale. savor the moment. you have microsoft word? turn it on. i can type, you know. "dear ashley. i killed ronnie and my mom because. what's wrong? hey, you're the one who couldn't leave me alone. truthfully, i'm sick of covering my tracks. you think i like spending my spare time looking over my shoulder for people like you? word of advice, if you ever need to hurt someone, think everything through. because you do get a taste for it, don't you? but damned if people aren't just waiting to stand in your way. cops, reporters, determined relatives, nosy fucking neighbors. next thing you know, you're on tilt, you can't think straight, you're clocking your teacher in front of the whole class, me. i'm hitting a damned deer. man, that was some shitty luck. anyway, it's pretty clear how we've gotta clean this up. the irony is, you've done all the hard stuff. whaddaya think: "troubled youth finally snapped." maybe because he was jealous of his girlfriend, or maybe he just couldn't deal with the guilt from not saving daddy. hey, you googled me. staggers to his feet and charges kale. kale grabs the bat, rolls around and swings up at giles, whacking him in the chest. giles doubles over as kale frantically plants the bat on the floor, using it as a "cane" to pull himself back to his feet. he hops toward giles, raises the bat, swings it, but giles anticipates, grabs the bat, pulls it forward, and reverse jabs kale in the face! kale staggers back, but somehow keeps his balance and the bat. he spins around, hops to the door into. standing in the other porch doorway behind kale! evening.