no, he can't see us. but he feels us watching. settle down, slow it down. you don't want to scare him off. you've got his attention, now just play with him. tease him a little. it's all you, kale, keep cranking! heave, laddie! give it all ya got, mate, or you're gonna lose him! how would ya know, have ya ever met one? i doubt it -- never! no brecht has ever -- lost a fight -- to a fish! throw me a -- hey, at least the weather's great. we're spending quality time together. let's nab the bastard. we're having fish for a week. i'd say an hour. love you, too. kale? -- kale, are you okay? i'm fine. but you're gonna have to climb out, kale. can you do that? that's okay, i've got it -- grab the door, i don't need your ass falling on my face -- kale, you have to climb up -- kale -- i know --