you're kidding. so i can actually put the burgers away this time? what if he accidentally goes beyond -- automatic withdrawal. twelve bucks every day. dinner's on the table. i'm closing at the restaurant the next few nights. could be some late ones, but hey. the extra tips couldn't hurt. where's my apron. apron. you wanna talk about anything? y'know, when we're finally free of all this legal stuff with the accident, the other families' lawyers. there might be a little insurance money left. maybe you should go back and see dr. phillips? iad? well, that one could've been avoided. do the dishes. please? more trash tv? the lawyer's sending some papers over. i've got two open houses, you've gotta sign for them. that's the point. i-tunes, too. you know what else i'm canceling? maid service. sorry, you're a felon. and we're broke. i can't do it all, anymore, kale. this isn't gonna be vacation as usual. i want these washed and the kitchen cleaned by the time i get home. well let me make it easier. one more look at that kitchen and i will be. you heard what i said about the lawyer? i'm sorry. i thought you heard me. what's going on? anything else? that's okay, i just. wanted to say good night. kale, kale, it's me!! what's going on, who were you talking to?! i'm sorry, the wind caught it -- okay then, so. you want anything from the grocery? i'm going in the morning. oh. kale, i ran into mr. giles at -- at the grocery. i had a flat tire when i came out. we tried to change it, but -- and that adapter thingy that unscrews it ended up stripping it instead -- no, it wasn't. you saved my life. we had it towed to frank's. oh. no, it's okay, we're managing. oh c'mon, kale. i'm sorry. okay. i don't think that's the case, and -- wait, what about your coffee? shoot, milk's. still in the car. kale, could you grab the sugar? sugar? kale, come on -- i'm sorry, kale. i really am. you know, one thing i always told myself was that no matter what, i would always know what was going on with my kid -- let me finish -- because i have to tell you something. i feel like i let you down. i was too caught up in my own grief to see straight. i thought time would heal this and taking a second job was. the answer to keeping a roof over our heads -- that's just wood. do you hear me? we're still not through this -- obviously -- it's gonna take more time -- maybe a lot more time -- and that's just gotta be okay, because i know -- it'll get better. i want us to be us again. i want us to be honest with each other like we used to be. is that possible? listen to me. i am always on your side. no matter what. it may not look like it sometimes, but it's the truth. and we'll get through this. okay? where's kale? standing on the staircase with a 12-gauge shotgun -- kaboom! you ready?