do you think he sees us? whoa, did you see that thing? holy shit! i need reinforcements! dad, your pirate -- impersonation -- sucks!! he's freakin' pulling us in! that fish is going down. yes, be gone with the red meat! i think so. oh my god, dad -- i can't -- it won't give -- dad, here -- dad, please, you can do it -- no -- i'm not leaving -- no -- dad, please, i've got you -- este invierno -- este verano -- voy a -- i don't know, alright? i haven't gotten that far. guess not. the execution squad shows up? hobby, you read me? i said come around my left flank and draw his fire -- damn straight i'm trying to get you smoked, you've been hiding behind my ass the whole game -- hobby, jet, you guys still there? i got nothin'. what, so he can tell me i'm add, have ptsd, and severe iad? freakin' irritated ankle disorder. c'mon, bid a dollar, one dollar -- news. and your point is? you canceled my xbox subscription. that might be difficult. that's a little dramatic, isn't it? i'm just gonna plug it back -- what are you, mental? yes! dammit, ronnie, i'm losing my mind. give me some details, what's happening out there? wait, ronnie -- hello? goddammit! i'm coming!! oh shit! shit water shit! you think that's funny? not before i shove this shit up your ass! shit! turn green turn green turn green. no, c'mon, i'm way inside, turn green -- yes! that's what i'm talking about! it's cool, i'm all green. okay, fine, but if i'd known -- hey doggie, come here. hey, you and me both. i've got something to show you, too. i mean. there's such structure to it, so many layers, but it's invisible if you're not looking close enough. the world right outside the window. just wait. and. three. two. one. dog. mrs. pilch. saying goodbye to lonnie. maid. four o'clock every thursday, she goes to the country club to play tennis with betty big-bangs there. and. ladies disappear. cue white mercedes. mr. pilch. arriving from the office. will you just look -- he can't. we don't have any lights on. plus the angle's sharper from ground level, it only seems like he could see us. i did the math. optical illusion, line-of-sight doesn't apply to the subject. now tilt your gaze up. c'mon, there's more. no, stalking's for psychos. these are just simple observations. natural side effects of chronic boredom. so. robert giles. he's lived there a couple of years, but i've never noticed he mows his lawn every two days. next to him is judy thorp. dude, she freakin' sneaks over to her neighbors' every morning, steals their newspaper, i guess reads it or swipes the coupons, then puts it back before they even wake up. last stop on the tour. don't know. nope, no i'm fine. thanks, that was really humiliating. oh, you mean that thing with the cops? they had the wrong guy, total foul up. i'm kale by the way. hey, so -- how'd the move go? i'd help, but. i'm a little spatially challenged at the moment. but minus the 48-hour allowance for office visits. and no lame "apprentice" spin-off. so where'd you move from? that doesn't sound good. oh, sorry, i was just gonna see if you wanted to hop in my hummer and cruise to a kegger. nice talking to you. i know the tone. noticed that, too. you started without me? what are you stopping for? no -- whoa. -- mustang -- holy shit. a dent -- what? no, i -- nothing, just watching the wind blow. no, see for yourself. '65 or '66, couldn't tell. movement. better late than never. that's definitely new. jackass! dick, my deaf aunt in omaha heard that. i think she saw me -- seriously? no, she usually takes her time -- it's not gonna be her. i have to. it's her. she totally saw us -- dude, she knows i'm here. yeah, no, we were playing upstairs -- so. what brings you here. do you need to call anyone? uh, sure, come on in -- that's ronnie. excuse me. it's a little messy. so you hear about that missing girl from madison? he drives a car like the one she was seen in. 60's era mustang. they said it was dented. his has a bashed-in fender. hey -- yeah -- what? how'd he fix it so fast -- you serious? she's right. they think it might be linked to some murders in texas two years ago. about two or three years. not that i've seen -- he's been gone awhile. how'd you get my phone? what'd you do? what the hell? where's -- so that's why the grass is greener. so why the move? no, seriously. what did they think, an extra bathroom and two-car garage would actually change things. somehow protect them and you from all that crap you can never escape? that's him. no. how do you know? missing girl was seen at a club. didn't say which one though. your i.d. must be pretty good. he's going in. what do you think they're listening to? and she's down for the count. looks like. what were you expecting? does that disappoint you? 'cause i can be more messed up if you want me to. "fine?" "fine" like your first cousin "fine" or "fine" in kind of a brad pitt sorta way? i can't hear -- i can't -- ashley, come on. are you nuts?! mom? dammit. shit! dumbass dumbass -- okay, so where is she -- oh shit oh shit. ronnie -- giles totally busted me. they were arguing -- giles and the girl he brought home. they had an argument, he grabbed her -- and then -- nothing. dude, something is going on over there. what if he killed her, too? wait -- a door just slammed. asshole, i'm serious. just -- wait -- wait till i check the hall -- goddamn you!! no, don't! ronnie -- just ronnie. i heard the door -- fine. good. okay -- anything caffeinated. i know, how did you -- dad put those security bolts on -- gee, really lucky you were there. yeah, i do. that's right. i think i'd like to hear his opinion. i popped my spanish teacher. i like your shirt, by the way. i mean, the color. oh, the. that dark orange. always reminds me of texas. sure, absolutely. even though i've never stepped foot in texas -- huh. just a black eye. i know, he's a total freak, right? are you messing with me? so you think it's all a coincidence. we've got the car -- the bumper sticker, the argument, the staring contest -- and now he's showing up in my kitchen -- maybe. her car hasn't moved. well what if she's really "not moving?" what if she's tied in the dungeon with the other girl, starving to death -- you're leaving? whose? how is that possible? well, i mean. sorry, i just didn't think you knew anybody -- oh my god, "skinny psycho?!" i sat next to that bitch in spanish -- and now the whole neighborhood's coming. hey, i get it. you don't have to explain. well, i appreciate the thought. really. it's funny, though. i didn't peg you as a conformist. yeah, i'm calling about the jeep cherokee that was brought in with the flat and the stripped lug -- it's ready? listen, did they have to replace the whole tire -- they patched it? is there any way to tell if it was slashed or -- but a nail usually acts like its own plug for awhile, doesn't it? i mean it's a really slow leak, it can't flatten a tire in twenty minutes. -- yeah, i guess anything's possible. wait, what was that? you think i'm watching? well, i'm not. nope, i am minding my own business. you think i'm buying that? i'm not biting -- that's it. hey! take it easy, that's sixty gigs of my life. okay -- okay -- what are you doing? coulda fooled me. forget -- you wanna blend in with that crowd, fine, then stop looking up and trying to get a rise outta me. it's not a cover -- what else have i seen? okay -- i've seen how you always pull your kleenex from the box in groups of three. not two, not four, always three. i've seen you're the only one in the world who eats pizza- flavored pringles. and you never stuff the chips in, you savor each one by dividing it into four precise bites. i didn't know that was even possible. you're also the first girl i've ever seen who spends more time on her roof than in her own house. and what do you do out there? you don't talk on the phone, you don't paint your nails, you read books. now one would think with the whole numbers thing you've got going on that you'd put them on your shelf alphabetically, but you don't. your system's much more perfect. the ones you like go on the bottom, the ones you love go in the middle, and the ones you need, the ones you keep going back to. well they go straight to the top next to the dream encyclopedia. you know what all this tells me? you know how things should be. the world according to ashley. and guess what? it's a very entertaining and beautiful thing. even when it takes a hit. when you end up in a place like this. when your parents dump their baggage on you, or just. when it seems like those curveballs are never gonna stop -- it sucks, but just so you know -- i get it. but i've also seen those designer window shades of yours, and guess what? they always go up the next day -- no matter what. and even if no one else has, i've noticed that. and i ain't sorry. the only thing i'll even consider apologizing for is. not dropping the binoculars and telling you this a lot sooner. hey. if would have gone to the flower shop, but -- oh, two months, twelve days, nineteen hours give or take. you know the other night. when you said you thought i'd be more messed up. i didn't kill my -- three-thirty. you better see this. look, quick -- her car. still hasn't moved. phase one, steal his code from his opener. there's only two. now look, his remote's in the glove compartment of his toyota. all you have to do is pop it open and read me the switch settings. "on" or "off." no, not breaking in. we're just talking about having access to his garage so we can go in on our own time - when he's not there - to just. to get a closer look at the car, the bag -- this is good up to thirteen digits -- look, if we're gonna do this, it's gotta be now. he takes twenty-one minutes average to mow his front yard. you'll be hearing him the whole time. yo, you set? let me conference ashley in. ashley, you there? nice. okay, ron -- green light. you're all good. you okay -- dude, glove compartment, other side. well, while you're there, will you just check? you see the package? whenever you're ready. just start over. no, no -- ronnie, he's coming around. ronnie, i am not dicking with you. the neighbor is also mowing her lawn and he's going to see you -- get in the car!! put the remote back -- easy on the door. don't panic, he's coming straight for you -- back seat, now! ashley -- shut up, stay down and don't move. ronnie, you're good -- ronnie? ronnie, was that the whole code? ronnie? okay, ashley, you're good, come on. was that the whole code? the code, did you get it? no way. getting her license number -- "yeah, he seemed like such a normal guy. sure he kept to himself, but he was always nice to me." that's what they all say. that's what all the neighbors always say -- after the fact. only after they've caught the guy, after he's killed thirty people -- fine, but what about the bumper sticker, there's still a girl missing, just. what's in the bag? can anyone tell me that? ronnie, you've seen this satellite website, right? you can find any location on earth and take a picture -- trying to get to the bottom of this. what's it look like? not who i think. what, crazy? maybe i am. but maybe i'm right. are you two gonna help me or not? then start looking through these -- well, this is all i need, so -- i guess i'll see you later. so what's your deal? you hanging out or not? sure. get off me, man. ronnie, i know you think i'm losing my mind, but. listen, i'll help you get it, i just need you to do one thing. you read? got video, no audio. light on, far end. no movement. stay calm, it's there. you're still clear, check the bag. try to get the plate number of the mustang and check for dents -- the camera's sliding -- ronnie? ronnie?! he's in the house -- ronnie? what the hell -- ronnie! shit -- ronnie?! ronnie, can you hear me?! giles, open the door!! hey! please, my friend's been kidnapped, he's in this house -- he's inside, i think the owner's trying to kill him -- it was already open. you're a lying son of a bitch! he's in there, goddammit! he's inside! he's lying! okay, but he's lying -- he has my friend, and he kidnapped that girl last week, he killed maybe three others, all redheads, they could be in a bag -- a big blue plastic bag -- in his garage -- my friend knew this -- that's why he's covering -- he didn't just wake up five minutes ago -- so why'd you have to have the car fixed in record time, huh? because it was covered in her blood -- so where's my friend, then? can anyone tell me that? does anyone believe me?! mom -- it was -- yeah. i just -- didn't think you'd believe me -- shit -- ronnie -- how -- how long have you been here? still, you could have -- i get it. why didn't giles tell the cops someone broke in? i mean, he did see you, right? what if he wasn't always a guy? dead deer. i was watching, remember? so that's when the garage door started closing. that's great. yeah, i lost signal -- i'm gonna burn this. you're not fooling me, giles. ronnie, get your ass up here! ronnie?! ronnie -- mom!! it's dead. living room -- tied up -- he got ronnie -- in the kitchen -- goddamn you!! no, i've gotta get her -- okay, but -- just follow my lead -- we're gonna need stuff -- once i have his attention, you go get her. we're out here, asshole! ashley! are you okay? stick to the plan -- that was a warning! where's my mom? i don't know -- the cops should be here any sec -- no flashing lights -- stay here -- parker, where's the cavalry?! parker, you need to get them here right now -- giles is -- parker look out, he's the -- he was my best friend. we always talked about what guys talk about. sports, women. food. we were talking about the freakin' fish -- this huge, amazing black bass we'd just caught -- and how we'd be eating it for a week. the next thing i know -- i can't hold on. and he's letting go. i was so pissed at him, i was so -- he's the one who left, he's the one who gave up, you know? -- but that's b.s. see, the truth is, my dad -- he saved me. movement. she's whacked. plain and simple. i think she thought it'd be some sick challenge or something -- hey, commission's the same i guess. no way. she can't be serious. fine, but we still have to seriously question the yayhoos buying the place. screw that. my mom has another half hour over there at least.