dude -- dude, the chicks here in oahu rock the houusse! oh my god, this one is totally showing me her kite board. belay that, she wasn't pointing at me. look, kale, i've gotta hop -- aloooha senor ka-- dude, you look like hell. seriously man, you need some sun. hey, i've gotta show you this. maui chicks rule. what are you talking about? -- fascinating. husband? great, that still doesn't explain why you're in a bathrobe at four in the afternoon. dude, he's gonna see -- oh, you did the math. kale -- damn!! seal this area off, kale. what, i go to maui, you become a stalker? find your passion, kale. huh, i guess he likes his grass short. no shit? people. you never can tell these days. what was that? oh-- my-- god. who be she? what's stopping you?! so you don't know what year the mustang is? check this out. the feds think your missing girl might be related to three murders in austin. all redheads. dude. dude!! oh, it's so warm, baby. cleansing breath. concentrate now. this is for the gold. dude, there's no way she heard that. she's got great lung capacity. there's no way -- okay, maybe she did. her swims always that short? now where is she? don't, it could be her! then stop! just -- let 'em go away. what?! what?! speak. you're full of -- shit shit!! oh my shit! we are so busted. don't answer it! video games? actually, he is. see, he has this neighbor -- who i guess by definition would also be your neighbor -- who may, in point of fact, be a cold-blooded killer. exhibit a, robert giles. black mustang. what? austin, texas. texas longhorns. this is all the stuff i could find -- "murderer: tell tale signs of a serial killer." qualifies for free shipping if you pair it with "the shrine of jeffrey dahmer." what's the fourth? hmmm. who's that? ookay, just fill me in later. a pleasure. duude! later. dude, ashley is ho-ho-hotttt -- what do you mean, are you sure? who? and then what? uh-huh. then call your friends at the police department. what? that's right, kale, and now i'm coming up to slash your guts out, you little bastard! i'm not and i'm hanging up. boo! this is ronnie, leave a message. you want me to do what? there's more than one phase? for the later purpose of doing what? breaking in to his house? all this sounds reasonable to you? how long have you been planning this? no. it isn't safe. let's do it. i can't believe i'm doing this. oww, shit -- what do you think? excuse me if i'm used to my mom's import. can i just try this one while i'm here? shit. shit. they're all gonna be locked -- i'm in. oh my god -- there's like a month-old order of nachos bell grande under the seat. okay, i found it. looks like "on, on, on, off, off, on" no wait, that one was "off." "on, on, on, off, off, off, on -- " i'll get it right this time. dude, stop dicking with me, i still hear his -- kale, what do i do?! where -- i did, i did -- what?! kale, you've gotta get me -- kale, tell my mom -- excuse me? you've gotta be kidding. great, kale. she lives. what are you doing? why? try telling inspector clouseau that. now he thinks he needs her license number. yeah, for a small fee -- i would, dude, but -- i've gotta pull it together and -- change my underwear. catch you later? dude -- my cell phone's -- still in his car. kale, did you hear me? phase two. i knew it. yeah, you got a signal? yeah, mic's on the fritz. how am i looking? i guess it's now or never. moving out. first hurdle -- twenty feet. ten feet -- garage -- bingo. i'm not seeing it -- i've got it. hang on -- i'm setting the camera on the trunk. i'm checking the bag first. it does look like blood -- and hair -- that was close. oh shit -- -- make it -- interference -- somebody's here -- boo! dude, don't kill me, don't kill me -- i can explain -- you should have seen your face -- i got out his front door. i got lucky. i heard you yelling, but dude, cops were everywhere -- what, popped out and said, "oh yeah, officers, my friend's right, i was just in that house, i'd gone to get my cell phone out of the guy's car i broke into earlier" are you kidding me? dude, i am sorry. can we just. hug it out? you know, let's be positive for a change. i thought he did, but maybe he didn't. or maybe he's a nice guy afterall, and he didn't wanna make a big deal of it, you know? i mean, he's a guy, he was a kid once. but i do have to ask. what was in the bag? naturally. hey, you want more evidence, detective? no, no, this is comedy, it deserves big screen treatment. hey, i caught that. yeah, he must have heard me. he came through the inside door -- this is where i ducked low and started. hauling aaaass. dropped it. but i never leave evidence behind. and that's about when you started yelling bloody murder and the shit hit the fan. i'm starving. all that running around. I'm not even here.