how much? damn, sal, put some more cheese on that motherfucker. two dollars! forget it! mookie. how come you ain't got no brothers up? sal, how come you ain't got no brothers up on the wall here? sal, that might be fine, you own this, but rarely do i see any italian americans eating in here. all i've ever seen is black folks. so since we spend much money here, we do have some say. put some brothers up on this wall of fame. we want malcolm x, angela davis, michael jordan tomorrow. boycott sal's. boycott sal's. i'm cool. i'm cool. you the man. no. i'm just a struggling black man trying to keep my dick hard in a cruel and harsh world. yo! yo! you almost knocked me down. the word is "excuse me." not only did you knock me down, you stepped on my new white air jordans that i just bought and that's all you can say, "excuse me?" i'll fuck you up quick two times. who told you to step on my sneakers? who told you to walk on my side of the block? who told you to be in my neighborhood? who told you to buy a brownstone on my block, in my neighborhood on my side of the street? what do you want to live in a black neighborhood for? motherfuck gentrification. a free country? i should fuck you up just for that stupid shit alone. you're lucky the black man has a loving heart. next time you see me coming, cross the street quick. damn, my brand-new jordans. you should buy me another pair. if i wasn't a righteous black man you'd be in serious trouble. move back to connecticut. da mayor, we need your leadership. i'm organizing a boycott of sal's famous pizzeria. would you like to sign a petition to boycott sal's famous pizzeria. i'll do it without your help. sal, we're gonna boycott ya fat ass. it's so nice to see a family hanging out together. jade, you don't know this, but i'm organizing a boycott of sal's famous pizzeria. y'know all those pictures he has hanging on the wall of fame? have you noticed something about them? peace. every single one of those pictures is somebody italian. and i--we--want some black people up. yeah, i asked him. i don't want nobody in there, nobody spending good money in sal's. he should get no mo' money from the community till he puts some black faces up on that motherfucking wall. so, in other words, you are not down. jade, i still love you. how you be? is that the only tape you got? i like 'em, but you don't play anything else. check this out. y'know sal's. i'm trying to organize a boycott of sal's pizza joint. ya see what i'm saying? he makes all his money off us black people and i don't see nuthin' but italians all up in there, sylvester stallone and motherfuckers. ya see what i'm saying, homeboy? we shouldn't buy a single slice, spend a single penny in that motherfucker till some people of color are put up in there. you got my back. my brother. what did i tell ya 'bout dem pictures? no, are you? we want some black people up on the wall of fame. why it gotta be about jungle music and africa? you're closed alright, till you get some black people up on that wall.