damn, it's hot. good morning, gentlemens. it's gonna be a scorcher today, that's for sure. need any work done around here? it will be the cleanest sidewalk in brooklyn. clean as the board of health. where's the bud? where's the bud? no more bud. what kind of joint is this? how come no mo' bud? doctor, this ain't korea, china, or wherever you come from. get some budweiser in this motherfucker. alright. alright. y'know you're asking a lot to make a man change his beer, that's asking a lot, doctor. mother sister, you've been talkin' 'bout me the last eighteen years. what have i ever done to you? besides that. da mayor don't bother nobody. nobody don't bother da mayor but you. da mayor just mind his business. i love everybody. i even love you. one day you'll be nice to me. we might both be dead and buried, but you'll be nice. at least civil. mookie. c'mere, doctor. doctor, this is da mayor talkin'. doctor, always try to do the right thing. that's it. i didn't know you had such beautiful hair. i'm not stopping. i'm on my way. those who'll tell don't know. those who know won't tell. sonny! sonny! doctor, what's your name? how old are you? what makes sammy run? what makes sammy run? relax, eddie, i want you to go to the corner store. how much will it cost me? eddie, you're too smart for your own britches. listen to me. how much do you want to run to the store for da mayor? you got a deal. git me a quart of beer, budweiser, say it's for your father, if they bother you. go on now. leave me be. what do you know 'bout me? y'all can't even pee straight. what do you know? until you have stood in the doorway and heard the hunger of your five children, unable to do a damn thing about it, you don't know shit. you don't know my pain, you don't know me. don't call me a bum, don't call me a drunk, you don't know me, and it's disrespectful. i know your parents raised you better. doctor, what are you talkin' bout? keep walkin', doctor. i don't want to hear none of your foolishness. i'd thought you might like these. i guess not. ain't nuthin' like the smell of fresh flowers. don't you agree, miss mother sister? summertime, all ya can smell is the garbage. stink overpowers everything, especially soft sweet smells like flowers. if you don't mind, i'm gonna set right here, catch a breeze or two, then be on my way. thank the lord, the sun is going down, it's hot as blazes. yes jesus. doctor, you know better to run out in the street. stop crying, son. doctor, there's nothing to cry about. you're ok. ma'am, the boy is just scared to death. what actually happened is that i was minding my business when i saw your son about to be run over. i ran into the street to save him and i had to knock him down to keep the both of us from getting hit. miss, the boy is fine. you didn't have to hit your son; he's scared to death as it was. you're right. i wasn't trying to be a hero. i saw what was about to happen and i reacted, didn't even think. if i did, i might not have done it in second thought. da mayor is an old man, haven't run that fast in years. i went from first to home on a bunt single, scored the winning run, the bottom of the ninth, two out, august 1, 1939, snow hill, alabama. maybe i should be heroic more often. i thank you. break it up. this is crazy. good people, let's all go home. somebody's gonna get hurt. if we don't stop this now, we'll all regret it. sal and his two boys had nothing to do with what the police did. let 'em be. you was there. first white folks they saw. you was there. is it a good morning? i've done that before. where did you sleep? i hope the block is still standing.