wake up! it's gonna be hot today. don't ya love ya brother mookie anymore? i loves ya, jade. later. gotta get paid. good morning to you. i hear ya, mother sister. i hear you. hello, sal. hello, vito. just coolin'. wait a minute. wait a minute. i just got here. you sweep. i betcha sal asked you first anyhow. fuck dat shit. i deliver pizzas. that's what i get paid for. what we say. i didn't hear sal say nuthin'. da mayor ain't no bum. who don't work? let's see you carry six large pies up six flights of stairs. no elevator either and shit. who doesn't work? don't start no shit, won't be no shit. talk to your son. what? ask sal. buggin' out, i gotta work here. come back in a week, it will be squashed. i got no say over people. people are free to do what they wanna do. gotta go. that's it? i got it. no, it's not cold. twelve dollars for the pie. hold it. let me count this first. you're short. twelve is right, but no tip. look, lady. i carried your pizza up five flights of stairs and shit. the cheese didn't slide over to one side like it sometimes does with delivery people who don't care. i do care. may i get paid? i'll wait. gracias mucho. a dollar! cheap bastard! your pizza is gonna be fucked next time. let's go, mayor. run it then. ya like him, huh? y'know, vito, i know pino is ya brother and shit, but the next time he hits ya, the next time he touches ya, you should "house him." kick his ass. if you don't make a stand, he's gonna be beating ya like a egg for the rest of your life. that's what i think. do it this one time and he'll never touch you again. mister seor love daddy, i'd like to dedicate the next record to my heart, tina. that's right on time. this is my friend, vito. his pops is sal. we're outta here. you the man. no, you the man. vito is down. pino, i work hard like everybody in here. smack him back. remember what i said. i know i haven't seen you in four days. i'm a working man. tina, what do you want me to do? alright. alright. i'll be over there sometime today. before i get off work. do i love you? be off in a second. tina, i dedicated a record on mister seor love daddy's show to you. big deal? if that's not love, i don't know what is. gotta go. see ya soon. everybody happy now? if ya see a nigger here, kick his ass. who's your favorite basketball player? and not larry bird? who's your favorite movie star? last question: who's your favorite rock star? barry manilow? pino, no joke. c'mon, answer. sounds funny to me. as much as you say nigger this and nigger that, all your favorite people are "niggers." pino, i think secretly that you wish you were black. that's what i think. vito, what do you say? i didn't know you could read. it's e-vit-able. fuck you, fuck pizza, and fuck frank sinatra, too. dago, wop, garlic-breath, guinea, pizza-slinging, spaghetti-bending, vic damone, perry como, luciano pavarotti, sole mio, nonsinging motherfucker. sal, can you do me a favor? can you pay me now? sal, just this once, do me that solid. i would like to get paid now. whaddup. money? i'll be back after i make this delivery. that's the dope. i'm listening. i understand. i love you, black. thanks. jade. i'm working. i just come home to take a quick shower. later for sal. y'know, sometimes i think you're more concerned with him than me. slavery days are over. my name ain't kunta kinte. sis, i don't want to argue, stop pressing me. don't worry 'bout me. i always get paid. what responsibilities? i'm coming. we're not hanging out. i'm being escorted back to work. yo, i'm gone. i'll see you out. jade, i don't want you coming in here no mo'. no, you're tripping. don't come in sal's. alright, read my lips. over sal, the way he talks and the way he looks at you. nice! innocent! you should see the way he looks at you. all sal wants to do is hide the salami. i might be, but you're not welcome here. one has nuthin' to do with the other. i'm getting paid. pretty soon i'll be making a move. sal, i don't care if you fire me this exact minute, leave my sister alone. sal, just do me a favor, leave jade alone. is this the right name and address? no, just checking. delivery from sal's famous pizzeria. hot. hot. tina, you are too slick. i've been working hard, getting paid. shit! i forgot. i just forgot. i can run out and get it. i can't be staying long anyway. long enough for us to do the nasty. a quickie is good every once in a blue moon. then we'll do something else. trust me. trust me. i'm gonna take off ya clothes. why you gotta curse? no rawness. tina, you're sweating. lie down, please. hello, mrs. rampolla. it's 'pose to be cold. meda. meda. tina, you don't have a forehead, you got a eight-head. thank god for thighs. thank god for buttocks. thank god for the right nipple. thank god for the left nipple. yes, yes, lord. isn't this better than haagen-dazs butter pecan ice cream? i'll be back tonight. sal, if you want me to deliver any faster, get me a jet rocket or something, cuz i can't run with pizzas, all the cheese ends up on one side and shit. i'm not guilty of nuthin'. c'mon, sal. sal, it's almost quitting time so please start counting my pay. i gotta get paid. look, i want you to get your slices, then outta here. no playing around. good. no joke. we all wanna go home. hate!!!! this is our home. fuck! my money! to get my money. tina, it's not like that. tina, i'll be right back. i am a man. later. i wants my money. i wants to get paid. sal, i want my money. motherfuck a window, radio raheem is dead. fuck dat. the time is fuckin' now. y'know i'm sorry 'bout sal's famous pizzeria, but i gotta live, too. i gotta get paid. we all know you're gonna get over with the insurance money anyway! ya know da deal. quit bullshitting. i know i wants to get my money. my salary. two-fifty. you only pay me two-fifty a week. i owe you fifty bucks. you keep it. this is the hottest christmas i've known. you gonna open up another sal's famous pizzeria? make dat money. get paid. i can dig it. it's gonna be hot as a motherfucker. gotta go. that's it? i got it.