vito, get a broom and sweep out front. he's nuts. get the broom. i didn't want to come to work anyway. i hate this freakin' place. tell vito. mookie, late again. how many times i gotta tell you? you're still late. here, take the broom. the front needs sweeping. shaddup, vito. you get paid to do what we say. who's working for who? pop, i don't believe this shit. we runnin' welfare or somethin'? every day you give dat bum-- give dat bum a dollar for sweeping our sidewalk. what do we pay mookie for? he don't even work. i work harder than him and i'm your own son. me and you are gonna have a talk. sez me. you making trouble. you talk to 'em. yeah, hurry back, it's getting crowded. yeah, no more ninety-minute deliveries around the corner. c'mere. don't get too friendly with da mook. what? are you gonna listen to this mook? listen to him tell you to smack me? your only brother? i didn't think so. you deaf or what? sal's famous pizzeria, yeah, two large pizzas, pepperoni and anchovies, hold on. see, pop, mookie fucking talking on the phone and people are trying to call in orders. he's making us lose business. twenty minutes. how come you niggers are so stupid? fuck you and stay off the phone. magic johnson. eddie murphy. shut up. the boss! bruuucce!!!! it's different. magic, eddie, prince are not niggers, i mean, are not black. i mean, they're black but not really black. they're more than black. it's different. y'know, i've been listening and reading 'bout farrakhan, ya didn't know that, did you? fuck you. anyway, minister farrakhan always talks about the so-called "day" when the black man will rise. "we will one day rule the earth as we did in our glorious past." you really believe that shit? keep dreaming. well, fuck you, too, and fuck michael jordan. you gold-teeth, gold-chain-wearing, fried-chicken-and-biscuit-eatin', monkey, ape, baboon, big thigh, fast-running, three-hundred-sixty- degree-basketball-dunking spade moulan yan. turn it off. pop, i think we should sell this place, get outta here while we're still ahead. and alive. couldn't we sell this and open up a new one in our own neighborhood? then we could try something else. i'm sick of niggers, it's a bad neighborhood. i don't like being around them, they're animals. my friends laugh at me all the time, laugh right in my face, tell me go feed the moulies. pop, what else can i say? i don't wanna be here, they don't want us here. we should stay in our own neighborhood, stay in bensonhurst. 'bout time, pop. pop, stop lying. vito, i want you to listen to me. i'm your brother. i may smack you around once in awhile, boss you around, but i'm still your brother. i love you. good. i want you to listen. good. vito, you trust that mook too much. so does pop. you listening to me? mookie is not to be trusted. no moulan yan can be trusted. the first time you turn your back, boom, a knife right here. in the back. i know. i know so. he, them, they're not to be trusted. be on guard. mookie has pop conned already, so we have to look out for him. and that's exactly what i'm talkin' 'bout. be right there, pop. listen to what i said. radio raheem. fuckin' niggers.