pino, get a broom and sweep out front. the both of youse, shaddup. hey! watch it. can you do better? c'mere. can you do better? i didn't think so. this is a respectable business. nuthin' wrong with it. get dat broom. i'm gonna kill somebody today. how ya doin', mookie? pino, relax, will ya. come on in, mayor. both of youse--shaddup. this is a place of business. hey! what did i say? mookie, no cursing in the store. you paying now or on layaway? you come in here at least three times a day. you a retard? a buck fifty. extra cheese is two dollars. y'know dat. you want brothers up on the wall of fame, you open up your own business, then you can do what you wanna do. my pizzeria, italian americans up on the wall. don't start on me today. you a troublemaker? don't come back, either. mookie, if your friends can't behave, they're not welcome. i know, this is america, but i don't want no trouble. mookie, what took you so long? i got a business to run. here, this goes to the radio station. good, make sure he don't jerk around. i should have vito go with you all the time. that's gonna be the last time you hit vito. mookie, get offa da phone. mookie! how is anybody gonna call in? mookie, you're fucking up. depends. can't do. you know you don't get paid till we close tonight. we're still open. tonight, when we close. no service till you turn dat shit off. mister radio raheem, i can't even hear myself think. you are disturbing me and you are disturbing my customers. when you come in sal's famous pizzeria, no music. no rap, no music. capisce? understand?. this is a place of business. extra cheese is two dollars. i'm beat. since when do you know what's best for us? too many pizzerias already there. we don't know nuthin' else. do your friends put money in your pocket? pay your rent? food on ya plate? i didn't think so. so what if this is a black neighborhood, so what if we're a minority. i've never had no trouble with dese people, don't want none either, so don't start none. this is america. sal's famous pizzeria is here for good. you think you know it all? well, you don't. i'm your father, you better remember that. mookie, you are pushing it. you're really pushing it. i'm not paying you good money to fucking jerk me around. you're gonna be in the street with the rest of your homeboys. jade, we've been wondering when ya would pay us a visit. the mook? great. mookie's a good kid. shaddup! jade, what can i fix you? everything, but for you i'm gonna make up something special. take a seat. there, that's a clean table. anytime. don't wait too long to come back. mookie, i don't know what you're talking about, plus i don't want to hear it. here, you gotta delivery. yeah, do you know 'em? it's almost ready. ten. here you go. nine-fifty. thanks. enjoy. i didn't say nuthin'. you must have a guilty conscience. what are you guilty of? you must be guilty of something or you would have never come in saying the things you said. where we goin'? vito! pino! let's go. we did good business today. we got a good thing going. nothing like a family in business working together. one day the both of you will take over. and mookie, there will always be a place for you at sal's famous pizzeria. y'know, it should be sal's and sons famous pizzeria. we're about to close. ok, but that's it. it's been a long day. what did i tell ya 'bout dat noise? what da fuck! are you deaf? turn that jungle music off. we ain't in africa. it's about turning that shit off and getting the fuck outta my pizzeria. what ever happened to nice music with words you can understand? there it goes. why? whatdafuck do you want? mookie, i always liked you. not the smartest kid, but you're honest. don't make me dislike you. don't even ask about your money. your money wouldn't even pay for that window you smashed. you're right, a kid is dead, but mook, this isn't the time. we both do. do we now? you don't know shit about shit. how much? how much do i owe you? one, two, three, four, five. are you happy now? that's five fucking hundred dollars. you just got paid. mookie, you are a rich man, now ya life is set, you'll never have another worry, a care in the world. mookie, ya wealthy, a fuckin' rockefeller. ya just got paid, so leave me the fuck alone. keep it. christmas came early. it's supposed to be even hotter today. no. what are you gonna do? yeah!. i'm goin' to the beach for the first day in fifteen years. gonna take the day off and go to the beach. mookie? c'mere, doctor. doctor, this is sal talkin'. doctor, always try to do the right thing. that's it.