fool, you're thirty cents away from a quarter. how you gonna get a boat? you're raggedy as a roach. you eat the holes out of donuts. so when is all this ice suppose to melt? motherfucker wasn't saying shit. what is? that's my name. let it be broke. it's dug. it has been a long time. old excuse. it's miller time. let me go give these koreans s'more business. hell no! goddamnit. sal ain't never done me no harm. you either. ml? ml, hold this for me. why you gotta talk 'bout my moms? i didn't say nobody, i said you. yes you did. it's just a name. naw, that's some stupid shit. now you know how i got that name. never too hot, never too cold for fucking. korea man is ok. let's leave him alone.