oh, god, they shot me with like unreal!
oh no!
i can't help it. i can't stop him from anything.
he won't listen to anybody. he's been very crazy all summer. since june he's been trying to kill me.
what good is that? they couldn't stop him. and it'd just make him mad. they don't know him.
he was under great strain: you don't understand, he's a very mixed up person.
he's scared. it's crazy. i never met anyone like him. his wife, he's a wonderful father to his children. his mother - you should see her - his mother and father together are like a bad car wreck - he lets it all slide off his back, he sees them, he pays their rent. unbelievable. i wanted to get married.  he didn't really want it.  he's married already! but he did it. i don't know why. i thought it would help me, but it didn't. i was just as confused and unhappy was before; i did terrible things.
ten days i spent in atlantic city - sonny was frantic - he knew i was drinking; he didn't know where i was.  who i was with. i couldn't explain why i did the things i did. so i went to this psychiatrist who explained to me i was a woman in a man's body. so sonny right away wanted to get me money for a sex change operation: but where was he to get that? 2500 dollars! my god, he's in hock up to his ears already.
it made him crazy - so much demand, he'd fly into this rages. and i got more depressed than ever; i saw i'd never get the operation. so i tried to take my life - i swallowed about a half pound of pills.  blues, reds, yellows, downers, uppers, screamers.  you name it. but i just threw them up and wound up in the hospital. sonny comes there and looks at me and just says: 'wow!' so when i hear he's in the bank, i almost go crazy because i know he's doin' it for me.
i can't talk to him.
i'm afraid.
i don't know what to say to him. i can't.
hello, sonny.
well.  i'm out of the hospital.
i never thought i'd get out this way. i'll tell you.
i'm really shakey.
yeah. it was terrible.
you come in and they say, right away, that you are crazy. and they start putting things in your arm.  you know. how do they expect you to get uncrazy if you're asleep all the time?
you can't talk or do anything. you really feel.  you know.  i'm just sort of coming out of it now.
yeah. so how are you?
yeah.  i know.
what? what are you talking about? you are dying? did you ever listen to yourself when you say that?
what do you mean.  what am i talking about? do you realize that you say that to me every day of your life? i am dying. do you know.  do you realize the death that you are spreading around to the people who are around you?
no really.  i don't think that you realize what it means. the things that you do, sonny. you put a gun to somebody's head.
yeah.  obviously you don't.  when you put a gun to somebody's head.  and you say go to sleep so that it won't hurt when i pull the trigger. death? don't talk about death to me. i have been living with death for the last six months. why do you think i'm in the hospital? i take a handful of pills to get away from you. and then here i am out of the hospital talking to you on the phone.  again. i have no friends left. no job. i can't live. i have to live with people. this death business.  i'm sorry!
i'm sorry.
but i didn't ask you to go rob a bank.
what trip?
i'm free to do what i want? and you think i would want to go with you some place on a plane? where? where ya going?
you're crazy.
you're really crazy.
where you gonna go?
why you going to algeria?
howard johnson's.  you're warped. you know that? you're really warped!
god, algeria! do you know there's a bunch of.  they walk around there.  god! people walk around with masks and things on their heads. they're a bunch of crazy people there.
i don't know.  you could have picked a better place.
i like that.  yeah!
so! sal is with you?
oh.  wow! sonny, you're really into one mess now.
sal.  sal.  naturale, oh boy!
would you do something for me? please?
these guys that got me down here, you know, huh.  they think that i'm part of this whole thing. they think i'm part of the plot to rob the bank!
well.  they told me that i was an accomplice.
i gotta listen to it if they think.
i can't survive in prison, sonny.
sonny, would you please just tell them.  please.
i don't have a choice.
no! they're standing all around me. seven thousand fucken cops.  all around me.
look.  don't throw that on me.
yeah.  i knew it. but, what choice do i have? i'm in the hospital; they drag me out of the hospital.  bring me down here.
they won't talk to you.
yeah.  yeah!
yeah.  huh, thank you. i'm going to go back, sonny, to the hospital. they're really nice people. they're really trying to help me.
well.  i don't know if i have or not.
yeah.  yeah.
it's my only chance!
thank you much.  and huh, bon voyage.
yeah.  see ya in my dreams, huh?
you said a mouthful.  sweetheart!
well, i don't see how sonny can survive in prison, he was very loud, very boisterous. he was obnoxious.
he was very hard to live with.
i'm glad. life is easier with him in prison.