what are you doin' in there? this is detective sergeant moretti, asshole, we got you completely by the balls. you don't believe me, i'm lookin' you right in the eye. right now, i can see you. okay? let's be reasonable and not stupid and not get anybody hurt. you come to the front door with hands folded on your head, unnastand? nobody's gonna shoot or. listen, first off, is anybody hurt in there? here comes the fbi. you men lookin' for protection? we got all the police right here. i made an error in judgment. i thought the sons of bitches would be overwhelmed with remorse at the sight of a police officer. and you know somethin'? nobody has said hostage yet. unnastan? no, we don't know that yet. this young fella without the hat is fbi. i'm detective sergeant eugene moretti . m-o-r-e-double-t-i. eugene. i don't give a shit, but my wife cries if you spell it wrong. you get the phone company? okay, you're in there and we're out here. what do we do now? awright, but i wanna talk to you. first off, we wanna know if the people in the bank are okay. you alone, or you got confederates? how many you got in there? sal? what's that for? salvatore? right -- got ya. okay, so there's you -- what's your name? give me a name, any name, just so i got somethin' to call you. sonny-boy, one word? listen, sonny. can i call you sonny for short? okay, sonny, i want to see if the people in the bank are okay, then what i want to do is work out a way to get them out of there. i want to come over there, without a gun. and you can frisk me. so you can see you can trust me. so we can talk and find a way outta this mess. you frisk me. i'd like just some sign i can trust you too, sonny. i don't want to trust my body out where you could just shoot me. some sight. right? how about letting the people out of the bank. why put them in this position? okay, give us the women. you're all one way! i'm bein' reasonable with you; give me somethin'. give me one of them, anyway. just one. don't fire! to cops. get him outta here! sonny - come out here a minute. come on. i want you to see something. i don't forget about sal and the boom boom room. i want you to see this. let sal come out, take a look. what hope you got? quit while you're ahead. all you got is attempted robbery. well, armed, then. nobody's been hurt. release the hostages, nobody is gonna worry over kidnapping charges, the worst you're gonna get is five years -- you can be out in a year. what? calm down, you're not. all right - put the guns down! sonny, ya want somethin'? who the hell is that? hey! what the fuck you tryin' to do? you don't think the whole police department can do the job? jesus, the spanish! you gotta do it yourself, right? eye for an eye! go wan get outa here, we'll take care of her. you okay, sonny? boy, he hung a couple good ones on you there! it's okay, you got a lot of protection. i don't know, sonny. i don't know if the helicopters can land in here. i'll have to check it out. i got superiors, unnerstan? they don't always see eye to eye with me. i'll do what i can. sonny, be reasonable! okay, what do you give me? the girl hostages. i'll see what they'll do. okay, you pick out who you're gonna give us. where's your wife? sonny! sonny! sonny, come on out! they were. no, i'm not tryin' to fuck you. i swear to god i had nothing to do with it. wait a minute. everything you asked for is on the way. is on its way. the helicopter can't land but we got a bus. the jet's on its way to kennedy. we got a bus coming here. sonny, your wife's on the way. we reached her. your wife's on the way. everything you asked for, you got. it can't happen again. i'll do everything i can to stop anything i can. can't land. you'd kill people. i'm not. i'm not. you're gettin' a bus. you're gettin' a bus. the jet's comin' into kennedy. and your wife's on the way. what else do you need? what else can i get you? listen, i don't know how you can do better. see that man over there. the fbi guy. there won't be. there won't be. what else do you need? how else can we help you? what else? aspirins. okay you got it. charlie! six pizzas! staring at the mess. no. i never smile any more. i never make bets or guesses, that way i'm never wrong and i never have to pay out. so whatsa deal? what if we gotta kill a whole lot of people? listen. fuck you, sir - if i'm right, i don't need you. what i want is - if i make an honest mistake i want help. we're bringing in your wife. what's that? jesus! he's all doped up. he's groggy, sonny. let me get him on his feet and he'll call you back. leon? whatsa matter? they give you a shot down the hospital or what? well, you got to get hold of yourself. you got to talk to him, tell him to give himself up. he's got eight people in there with him. he's got this kid with him. they're gonna shoot the people. if he won't listen to you, who will he listen to? you try calling the police? somebody's got to stop him, leon. he's makin' threats in there. what kind of things, leon? he needed money? for the operation for you? well, don't you figure you owe to him to get him out of there? you're in it up to your ass, leon. you're an accessory. you talk him out of there and they might be a little more understanding of your case. how is he gonna hurt you on the telephone? you think it over, leon. he won't talk to you. let me work on it. sonny. sonny. come out a minute. come out a minute. what makes you think you'll be able to control it? he hasn't so far. i'm the one who can make a mistake. that's what scares the shit out of me. the little bastard miss me?