his mouth simply stops, and he stares at the gun. mulvaney is a comic opera irishman in his early fifties, florid. cheerful, bushy eyebrows; he acts out everything he says. listen, lemme call you back. the ruins of his smile still on his face. aghast at his own outspokenness. sal holding the gun levelled on him. okay, okay. we know it's a stickup! do what the gentleman says, howard. we're hip. let's just get you all fixed up and on your way! i can take care of that. i must of been outta my mind. okay. let's get you on your way. miriam - open the safe. come on, lemme load you up. it's all we got. she's afraid you're gonna shoot. believe me, i'm on your side. hello. i'm sorry i can't talk to you right now. i suggest you call during banking hours tomorrow. what is your name? can you hurry it up? howard? howard, give him the keys. no, it was the credit rating. the credit rating. i don't know, you'd have to find that out from him. it was something a couple of years ago in st. louis, i don't know. it's the insurance guy across the street. he probably saw the goddamn smoke! please! put out the fire! sorry. i can't talk now. i'll call you back. howard, wave him off. tell him we're closed. whatever. give me the keys. what is it, sam? yeah, just a cigarette got in a wastebasket. little smoke: like a polish four- alarm fire, is all. yeah, thanks for keeping an eye out. thanks again, sam. it's okay. for god's sake, will you please go now? we gave you every nickel we got. hello, mulvaney here. what property is that, mrs. anterio? the third avenue property - you already got a second mortgage on. we discussed it before. it's for you. i swear to god. on my salary, i'm not gonna be any hero. i told you, just go, get out when you could, but no, you just got to hang around. we're all in the barrel together. it's locked on the inside. it's through that passageway and to the right. hurry up! mulvaney. well, they go to guard school. they make $105 a week to start. they fold the flag, check the place out in the morning. i don't know what they learn, sonny. here we are. the back door. i got two kids. and i'd like to see them again. you know i do. you seem to know a lot about bank procedure. i don't care who you are. i just want to get you outta here, safe, right? if you take anybody, please take me. i don't fool around with you. it's up to you ladies. what about howard? the tv. they want to talk to you. i guess he didn't appreciate your use of language. they don't speak that way on television. it's a rule. do you realize you've cut off a valuable source of communication? what now, sonny? sal wants to see sonny. he says he'll shoot unless he can see sonny. i don't know, sonny. on the roof somewhere i guess. i don't know. it's gonna be up there. sonny, if you shoot, shoot high. my car's parked out there. are we going to get the ball rolling? mulvaney. it's for you. moretti. i didn't eat any pizza. i'm okay. i'm okay. i'm not going. i'm okay. i stay here. damn it. i just needed the insulin. i'm used to it. go on. go on. i'll be god damned if you will. i don't wanta be either, i just want to be left alone. you understand that? i wish the fuck you never came in my bank, that's all, don't try to act like you're some angel of human kindness! they look like good kids. special to me, too. sure - we like you. you seem like a likable enough guy. it's hard to judge. i'm sorry. we like you, too. would i hire you? why not? girls, i wanta apologize. for my language back there. ladies. i want to apologize for my language back there. yeah? no. i had some legal training, but. what now, sonny? sylvia? you were terrific, too!