sorry, this window is shut. i am. listen, we got young girls here. you could watch your language. listen, i'll never make it. i'll have to go to the toilet. it's not a joke. i got this terrible fear of being locked in. oh - maria! i forgot she's in here. what is it? did you just barge in here. he doesn't have plan. it's all a whim. 'rob a bank! what not?' howard! he needs the keys. go along, howard. my god! that's howard! we voted to send him out! oh, yeah, the one girl was cryin', but we're havin' a ball, so far, if just nobody shoots. sal? he never talks, only goes: 'sonny, you want me to shoot that one, this one.' hey, wait, he's goin' back in. (she turns out of i gotta go now. they're my girls. they need me in there. hey, girls -- i was on television. the air conditioning is off or something. she's sick. somebody give me a cigarette. i never smoked before in my life but i got a right to start now if i want to. because i'm scared, that's why. you never smoked? you stopped? why? you don't want cancer? you're about to get your head blown off, you're worried about cancer. gimme the cigarette. pure? for god's sake! as soon as i'm outta this bank robbery, i'm gonna stop. okay? my body? what for? you're serious! you know, you remind me of my 19- year-old brother - only he's got his hair down to his knees - he looks like something that eats berries and roots out of the ground. god forbid i should say something to him like, 'listen, if you ever smoke marijuana, just remember that it's illegal' and he storms outta the house. you rob a bank, but you keep your body pure, is that it? yes. sal. if i die of cancer it's going to be half your fault. listen, we asked for the jet hours ago, what are you doin' out there? just give them what they want. he's got diabetes. he's not a well person. i told you, he's got diabetes. they're beautiful. somebody give me another cigarette. i wish somebody would tell me i'm gonna live long enough for it to be a habit. my parent, she'll be okay. my husband, he'll be okay. i even know who the bum is gonna marry. terrific. she'll take good care of him. what'd you say? i didn't hear you say anything. i'm a notary. sonny - here's your document. here's your document, sonny. goodbye, honey. wish us luck! it's maria. go on, honey. i been dying to do this for years! ah, sonny! good luck, you know? hey. it's raining.