the robber, whose identity is not known, came out of the bank, with a hostage, mrs. sylvia ball. mrs. ball, is everyone all right in the bank? mrs. ball, do you think they might shoot, if they get desperate? why are you doing this? robbing a bank. but i mean, why do you need to steal? couldn't you get a job? what about, ah, non-union occupations? i'm here to talk to you, sonny, not. the audience is interested in you, sonny. not me. you're news, sonny. newsman, not. what do you want us to give you? you want to be paid for. you could give up. of course not. police are questioning leon, a year-old admitted homosexual, who claims to have been married to one of the bank robbers in a ceremony last november. . our coverage of the brooklyn robbery where two homosexuals are holding hostages for their demands of a helicopter, a jet, and safe passage out of the country.