oh, my god in heaven! what's he doin' this for? he didn't tell me he needed money. he would of told me. why didn't he tell me? you got money for the subway? my god, sonny - you oughtta see - - alla brooklyn is here! on all 3 networks! i talked to the fbi, i told them about you, they said if you just come outta the bank it's gonna be okay. well, i'm only trying to get you outta this. i told them you were in vietnam, you always had good jobs, you were with goldwater at the '64 convention, but you had marital problems. i said you were never a faggot. he was very understanding - you ought to talk to him. algeria? oh my god! i don't understand. if you needed money, why couldn't you come to me? everything i got is yours. i got two hundred and maybe twenty-five in the savings. it's yours. you know it. what's wrong with that? the fbi was very understanding when i explained it to him. everybody knows it isn't you. it's the pressures from your home life. did i say a thing against her? god forbid i should say anything against that fat cunt. if she comes down here, so help me i'm gonna mash her brains in. everything in your life was sunlight and roses until you met her. since then, forget it. i know you wouldn't need leon if heidi was treating you right. the thing i don't understand is why you come out and sleep with heidi anyway? you got two kids on welfare now. what're you goin' to bed with her, you don't have enough with one wife and two kids on welfare, you want a wife and three kids on welfare? what'll you do? come out. oh. run. maybe. no! no. this really pissed him off, sonny. he says you're dead. he says he doesn't have a son. i remember how beautiful you were. as a baby you were so beautiful. we had such hopes.