uh-huh. twice. but it doesn't matter at this moment because they're both so relieved to be with one another. i like that. i just wish they could all feel that way more offen. keep reading. give me this if you walk through the church's front door on the day of the re-dedication ceremony, your soul is wiped clean of any and all existing sin, moreso than the sacrament of penance could ever offer. it's a plenary indulgence, man! i don't know why i never thought of this before. it's rarely employed, but it's legitimate. it has a papal sanction for god's sake. no - by passing through the doors, our sins are impossible. if we cut off our wings and transubstantiate to complete human form then we become mortal. and if we die with clean souls, there's no way to keep us out. they have to let us in. i don't know. somebody who's looking out for us, one of the last sacred promises imparted to peter the first pope by the son of god before he left was "whatever you hold true on earth" so if the pope says it's so, god must adhere. it's dogmatic law. what's that? are you nuts?! a killing spree is not going to make things better for us. there hasn't been an angel of death since you quit. doesn't that mean anything to you? besides, what if you're wrong? new ]ersey. the rededication is in four days. what's that? it's the weapon of choice these days. then don't use a gun. just lay the place to waste like sodom and gommorah. now that was something. what work? you lit a few fires. sure. soccer? we have to pass through three more states to get to new jersey: indianna, ohio, and pennsylvania. oh right. the angel of death returns. sounds like a bad movie. he said to stay where he put us. we feared worse punishment if we disobeyed him again. new jersey. sure. that's a stretch. how do you know they're not dating? oh, i know the truth. but let's see how boned up on the job you really are. of sorts. so what's your proof? so? maybe that's his wife. what are you talking about? very romantic sentiment. the troubadors. no, that's the commodores. the troubadors were wandering minstrels and dramatists that sang melodramatic and sappy songs of undying love. the troubadors made 'love' fashionable. and their influence altered the balance in a significant fashion. until them, people got married because they had to. after them, people started 'falling in love'. romantic courtships became the norm. what started out as simple entertainment made such a dramatic impact as to forever alter the way society operates. be fair. humans are dumb, but not that dumb. you're such an asshole. troubadors. i can't believe you. you got your girlfriend drunk at last year's christmas party, and then paid a kid from the mailroom to have sex with her while she was passed out, just so you could break up with her - guilt free - when she sobbingly confessed the next morning that she cheated on you. she killed herself three months later. you sent flowers to her wake. you, on the other hand, are an innocent. you lead a good life and have never misused your power here. but you, mister whitland. you have more skeletons in your closet than this assembled party. i can't even mention them aloud. we're getting out of here at just the right time. these people are nuts. are you sure? what?! doesn't this place warrant at least two buses a day? just shut up, this is your fault. it's your suggestions that prevent us from negotiating what should be a simple matter of catching or staying on a bus! jesus christ, azrael - how'd you get out of hell? why not? we're going back clean. so they're going to kill us?!? thank you, azrael. you're a true friend. it's a long trip. there'll be plenty of time later. we're going home. unfortunately. do you live with those guys? they're funny as hell. the big one never says a word. lo. larry's taken an immediate shine to them, and he usually hates people. awhile. he's great company. he can be a little flaky sometimes, but we've got a lot in common. we were stationed together. what do you mean? no. we live together and all, but at the end of the night, i go to my room. and he goes to his. you're divorced? i was dumped once. more or less. and you wonder if the other party's going to come to their senses and call you back. mine grew out of what was really a stupid misunderstanding. a misunderstanding that grew into a total withdrawl of communication. abandonment. and even though it was years ago, there's not a day that goes by that i don't wonder what went wrong. and then it hits me - i was replaced by someone. a lot of someones. when actually, it hurts more. whole-heartedly. you're saying you still go to church? does it do anything for you? see? that's what i'm talking about. people don't go to church and feel spiritual. they go to church and feel bored. but they keep going. every week. out of habit. oh. that wasn't very funny at all. when do you think you lost your faith? me? years ago. one day, god just stopped listening. i kept talking, but i got the distinct impression that he wasn't listening anymore. where's this pilgrimage to? try me. really. maybe you're supposed to kill them? i don't imagine it's much different. the apostle! after all this time, this is what it comes down to -slaughtered by this meat puppet?! oh. we can work it out, alright. i'm going to work the blade in and out of her thorax! they're here to thwart our journey home, my friend. this one just told me that she's supposed to stop a couple of angels from entering a church. i'd say there was a pretty good chance. what do you say, rufus - we're to be liquidated? i have to agree with him. no one - not you, and especially not this finite-lifer - no one is going to impede us. we're going home, regardless of whose pride it may hurt! loki - kill the girl do it! fine! i'll kill her myself. i noticed. the scion, i'd imagine. there sure is. them - the humans. it's what it all comes down to. you know? us against humanity. kind of like that giant ant movie. i'm better than alright. i've had an epiphany, my friend. when that sweet, innocent girl let her mission slip, i suddenly understood it all - everything. for the first time in all these eons, i get it. in the beginning, it was just us and him. angels and god. and then he created the humans. and he gave them more than he ever gave us. our's was designed to be a life of servitude and worship - adoration. but he gave the humans more - he gave them a choice. they can choose to ignore god, choose to acknowledge him. all this time we've been down here, everyday i felt the absence of the divine presence. and it pained me. as i'm sure it must have pained you sometimes, even though you'd gloss over it with jokes. but we feel his absence, and why? because of the way he made us -as servants. had we been given free will, we could ignore the pain. like them. loki, don't you get it? it's the humans - it's always the humans. they were given paradise; they threw it away. they were given this planet; they destroyed it. they were favored best among all his endeavors; and some of them don't even believe he exists. their ego-mania corroded hell and made it dark and crimson. don't, my friend. don't let your sympathies get the best of you, as they did me way back when. scion or not, she's just a human. and regardless, our sins are forgiven by passing through that arch. no harm, no foul. fine. we'll cover ourselves. we'll take out a slew of people. maybe amidst the body count, he won't notice. i'm going home, loki. and nobody - not even the almighty himself - is going to make that otherwise. he's grown weary of your superficial faith and has turned a deaf ear to your lip-service prayers. he is no longer amused, and has abandonned you - his favorites - to the whim of judgement. hypocrites and charlatans - prepare to taste god's wrath! you wanted your body count, you got it. this lot is rife with sin. we'll judge them all! mister mcghee, don't make me angry. you wouldn't like me when i'm angry. do it! so what happened? we were awaiting your arrival. i've become aware of the reprocussions, muse. i know what i'm doing. bethany - you of all people should understand what i'm t~'ing to accomplish here. you too have been abandonned. you know what it's like to be cast aside. but while you've only felt the devastating effects for a few years, i've dealt with it for millenia. and while you never see your ex-husband or how blissful he is with his new wife. and a short life span.