jesus! you're a catholic, aren't you? can't you talk i don't think they'd accept that one - we already used it as our excuse for killing christ. so where were you yesterday morning - a bunch of us went out for brunch? that kills me. you and church. we work in a field that specializes in pissing off the cloth and you add insult to injury by breaking bread with them every week. so then why do you still go? you think i'm going to mock your religious beliefs? we're friends, bethany - i may mock you for being a divorce' at twenty five who's never had an orgasm, but i'd never mock you for having faith. she had gotten knocked up by her pastor. that would require faith, and that commodity lately seems reserved only for the psychotic zealots that hang around outside. girl, you need a man. if only for ten minutes. uh-oh - that sounds militant. you thinking of joining the other side? then girl, you better get back to church and ask god for a third option. the sign of a true catholic.