leaving 'alice in wonderland' aside, look closely at 'through the looking glass' - particularly 'the walrus and the carpenter' poem: what's the metaphorical meaning? oh, but there is - it colorfully details the sham that is organized religion. the walrus - with his girth and good-nature - obviously refers to either the buddha, or - with his tusks - the lovable hindu elephant god, lord ganesha. this takes care of the eastern religions. the carpenter is an obvious reference to jesus christ, who was purportedly raised the son of a carpenter. he represents the western religions. and in the poem. what do they do? they dupe all the oysters into followmg them. then. when the oysters collective guard is down. the walrus and the carpenter shuck and devour the helpless creatures, en masse. i don't know what that says to you, but to me it says that following faiths based on these mythological figures insures the destruction of one's inner-being. 'through the looking glass' - a children's tale? i think not. don't look back. just get out there and taste life. c'mon man - you know i don't believe any of that shit i was telling her. i just like to fuck with the clergy; keep 'em on their toes. when her head stops spinning, she'll be facing the way of the just again. but oh. will she have a bunch to confess. maybe if someone gave them free bags of peanuts more often they would. now what was so friggin' important that i had to miss cartoons this morning? if it was to share in your half-assed obsessions with hallmark moments, i'm going to slug you. did you say we're going home? no, i don't get it. are we leaving now? so you're saying you and i can walk through this doorway and go back home? wait. wait, wait - die? i don't want to die. no, but we don't even know if we can die. and what if we can, but this archway thing doesn't pan out? what then? hell? fuck that. yeah, but this plenary' indulgence thing is a church law, not divine mandate. church laws are fallible because they're created by man. " . i'll hold true in heaven." there's just one thing i think i should do before we leave - something that'il get us back on his good side. this is something i've been dreaming about for five years now. read. i want to hit them. what better way to show i've repented than by resuming the position i denied. thanks to you. we're not talking about killing here. we're talking about divine justice. we're talking about punishing the wicked, raining down fire and brimstone. he's all about that. i just know he'd want this done. if i'm wrong, it won't matter. like you said - we pass through the arch and we're forgiven anyway the church we have to go to is where? our last four days on earth. if i had a dick, i'd go get laid. but we can do the next best thing. let's kill people. it's a lot more compact than the flaming sword, i'll say that much. it seems unimpressive. at least the sword looked intimidating. how can i strike fear into the hearts of the wicked with this? batman never uses guns. oh yeah, for you maybe. you got to stand there and read. i had to do all the work. i rained down sulfur, man. there's a subtle difference. are you kidding me? any moron with a pack of matches can start a fire. raining down sulfur takes a huge level of endurance. mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer. with a very important stop in cleveland. movies are bullshit. and don't start with me, airight. the last time you bugged me about my job, you got us sentenced to life in wisconsin. where were we afraid he'd send us? now that, my friend. is irony. that stuff was small potatoes. the major sins never change. and believe me - i can spot a commandment breaker a mile away. you don't believe me? adultery. you'd know better than me - let's hear it. a test? he's wearing a wedding band. no married man kisses his wife like that. you get married and the passion dies, man. don't you ever watch talk shows? a guy makes his best plays when wooing. when the object of his desire is won, there's no need to expend the effort anymore. he relaxes, satisfied with the spoils of victory, which he then decides isn't so victorious because he's saddled with a life-mate. that's the problem - romance. you think about it :back in the old days, nobody got married out of quote, unquote, love. people married for property', dowries, or to procreate - to immortalize oneself through offspring. when did all this love stuff start? what the hell happened to the status quo? lionel richie's old group? sounds like the commodores. that's human beings for you - easily misled. from the garden of eden to the 'thigh master' - thev believe what they're told. i'm telling you - one day they're all going to watch one too many john hughes flicks and start looking for shermer, illinois. are you married? just curious. to her? are you married to her? don't blame me, man. blame the commodores. it's you. all lines are currently down. in the bed you and your wife share, no less. you're her father, you sick fuck. with the exception of miss pryce, there is not a decent human being amongst you. do you know what makes a human being decent? i forgot my little voo-doo doll. i don't believe in voo-doo. but i do believe in this. but you didn't say 'god bless you' when i sneezed. and you say siskel and ebert have no influence over this culture. come on - how many people can possibly be going to new jersey? there's no one else here. we should have learned to drive a long time ago. infinite celestial power and we can't catch a bus. you can either lament over our mass transit folly, or you can listen to my suggestion. why fall victim to gravity when we can just as easily rise above? we got wings, right? let's use them. go figure. him. a demon. we're going back home. oh, lighten up. you're kidding! if that's the case, then why aren't you hunting for us too? hey az - what's it like down there. is it as bad as they say? jay tells us you're going to sleep with him. i'm telling you, man - it's all about organized religion and society's battle against it. the rebels are fighting the empire, right? now the empire is led by whom? darth vader? no. it's led by the emperor. and the emperor is a practitioner of the force, albeit the dark side of the force. and the force is basically a religion. holy shit - the apostle! you think she was talking about us? consequences, schmonsequences. i can't kill her if she hasn't done anything, you know that. and it looks like she's 'on the job', so to speak. wait, man! can't we talk about this?! the apostle is here! if that's the case, then chick with him must be. an. epiphany. yes, well. that'll happen. you know - maybe you should take a nap or something. wait, wait, wait - kill them?! you're talking about the last scion, for christ's sake! and what about jay and bob - i mean, those guys were alright. that sounds thin. oh, that's being realistic. shit. i'm not so sure. kind of hard to tell with his face like that, but the rosaries are a dead giveaway. i'd step back if i were you. this wasn't my idea. alright? i just wanted to go home. i can't. let you do this, bartleby.