please just listen without saying a nyt hin g--t hat 's t he tas k f or today. oth erwise you just rep lay the old pathology. maggie, you were talking about joe's disappearances. so you resent him for expressing your autonomy needs? for expressing your autonomy needs. and you, joe--what do you think you're running from? being the distancer forces maggie into the role of the pursuer. that gives you a feeling of power. simultaneously you resent maggie for expressing the very intimacy needs that in your own li fe yo u 'v e-- okay. i want yo u to spli t the week in half. monday, wednesday and friday are joe's intimacy days. tuesdays, thursday s, and saturdays are maggie' s. on your day, you make one intimacy request. your partner agrees in advance to meet it. whatever it is. a n i nti mac y r eque st. li ke 'ru b my back,' or 'help me work out this problem with the kids.' odd day, even day, sunday's off. and mastur bate. i r ecommend i t, for both of you. it's a good way to blow off stress. cut to: