you said that. more power. whaddaya talkin' about? longer wheelbase? left. it ain't no fucking surprise neither. nicky, that ain't gin. you got two sevens. boobie shows him his cards. from now on we play the honor system. you don't even show me your hand. cut to: fine. you keep score. how the hell can you play gin if you don't know how to keep score? he's with lefty. we ha d tha t loa d of jean s-- remember? two hundred grand on that. . . the lion shakes its mane, sprays water over everyone. i did so, nicky. i laid it off. to the same guy i heisted it from. twenty-five grand. sonny writes in his notebook. the economy gotta be good for there to be good moneymaking for crooks. we better start earning or somebody's gonna get clipped. then sonny returns. pale and shaken. sonny, fuggedaboudit. it's over. i ' d like to bring them closer to god. what is that, half a million? he knows a lot of broads, donnie. if donnie's got so many broads, how come we never seen none of them? you ever notic e donnie'11 buy guns from you, if you're offing guns, but you never see him be the one offing guns? lefty thinks a beat. cut to: what's the big deal? how many times i gotta tell you, n ic ky ? t h e he a d bleeds like a motherfucker. goddam brioni suit. the only ones in with us is us. i whipped your ass many a time. spnny fuggedaboudit. when i raced wit'cha, it looked like you're standing still. fuggedabouit. i whipped your ass. your day is done. okay. i remember the fountain. help me. . . help me. . . then the crunch as donnie tackles him. donnie rips the tape out of the nagra, throws it in the sink. burns it. cut to: