hello? to the file: contact with uca on july 7, 1976. uca reported no significant contacts. . . . . n o significant contacts. --donnie wanders the aisles at a drug store, searching for a greeting card. selects one. match cut to maggie opening the same card. inside it reads, "miss you, love,"--and no signature. --a truck hijacking takes place on an access road to kennedy airport. in a choreographed ballet, the driver gives up the keys to a crew of tough guys. then donnie and vinnie the fence help unload cartons of perfume from the truck. uca purchased two dozen cartons yves st. laurent 'eau my sin' perfume. --donnie plays backgammon at carmello's. on the board, as the pieces move closer. vinnie introduces him to jilly greca, a tough-looking wiseguy in his late 40s. uca was introduced to giuliano gr eca , a. k.a . j ill y. . --donnie opens a carton of watches. . . uca sold 50 pateau mitsu boshi boeki digital watches. . . . . uca reported no significant contacts. . . this is a new york number--it patches through to here. maggie flutters through wearing her sweatsuit. anything else? does sally paintglass report to nicky? not nicky. nicky cigars. who's nicky glasses? you want some coffee, joe? the agents dress up as arab sheiks trying to bribe congressmen. you think that'll ever amount to anything? cut to: why didn't you go? so what do you want me to do?