you run it as a 'bottle club,' members only--keep your own liquor in the lockers, pay for setups. that way there's no liquor license. napolitan'. banquet room, six tennis courts, swimming pool in the back. first class all the way, left-- that was my original plan. then the minute i opened the joint i discovered i had partners--these goombahs. 'gimme two hundred.' 'gimme three hundred.' i said, 'hey--i got a wife for thatl' lefty shoots him a withering look. hey--who's the best looking guy in florida? he slaps a hundred dollar bill to his forehead. mel he laughs, puts his arm around an unamused lefty. cut to: oh, jesus--that's hollman, joe. "joe." rage flickers almost imperceptibly in donnie's eyes. he'll make us for sure. he was the usd a w ith -- okay, left. you got change for a twenty? lefty takes the twenty, gives the redcap two dollars. keeps the twenty. sounds good to me. (about the twenty^ 5ey left'-- but lefty's already on his way inside. donnie lingers a beat. i wanted change from a twenty. he took the twenty--