i told them i wanted to get far away from you, clarence, they got it instantly. is this bursey? bursey cradles the phone on his shoulder, types. these go for 80 apiece. my end's same budget? whatever it takes, i'm gonna get these bastards. ' . . . n o significant contacts' ' what? i ' m undercover 1 coffee. give it to your wife. you got a girlfriend? , marry her. i ' m saying give it to somebody don't know any better. it's a fugazy. go ahead, try and sell it, you wanna be a dunsky. i'm sorry. it was just a misunderstanding. okay? donnie backs off, exits. lefty takes the diamond out, looks at i- fumes. the bartender slides the spritzer over. what happened with that fugazy? school me in what? yeah. i got it. follow the rules. a cab cuts them off. lefty leans over. honks the horn. like the army. i said it's like the army. chain of command. \ i mean the same principle. yeah. in california. lefty good. let her enjoy herself in california. the cab cuts off donnie again. and lefty blows. which cocksucker? hey, fuck youl the cabbie hangs onto lefty. lefty snaps off the cab's antenna, starts to whip the cabbie with it. the cabbie bites lefty. lefty yelps, backs off. what kind of bullshit is that? you didn't wanna pay it you shouldn't've borrowed it. okay. i didn't know. the vise grip or the needle nose? i don't know, left. this is the best car i ever had. i never had any trouble with this car. hey, you got something to say to me, left, say it to my face. you think i got a fucking wire in my car? what do you think--you think i ' m a fucking rat stoolpigeon? he don't look so dangerous himself. no thanks, louise. jewels are my business. if i buy a fugazy, i lose. i hate to lose. . pretty good. did you know there used to be falcons in hew york? peregrine falcons. they lived across the river. in the palisades, i ' m saying that's why there's so many pigeons now. the falcons used to hunt 'em and kill 'em off. i'm saying their eyesight. what do you want. two hundred? lefty leans over, peers into his wallet. you're the boss. it's just an expression. hey, left, if it's okay, i'm gonna run. i'll see you tomorrow. this is way beyond what we talked about---"fences and hijackers. t his is a made guy. do you kno w what that means ? the re's only maybe 3000 made guys in the whole fucking country. can you believe it--a made guy? a very peculiar made guy. flash cut to: up here. what's the matter? well, what do you want me to do now? you could've said something. that's not the point. maggie, i'll be two seconds. you're going to the movies with the grants? the last thing i want to do tonight is go to the movies with the grants. where is everybody? i didn't say anything? i'm sure i said something. well, they should be home anyway. what time is it? where's terry? what boyfriend? that's what i ' m worried about. i ' m sure he is. i ' m sure he's practicing his takedowns right now. i expect you to have some sense of priorities. i put a roof over y our he ad. i put clo the s o n e very body' s bac k. i put g as i n the car. maggie grabs his wrists. he wrestles her off. i give you whatever i can give. what i can't give you is a moustache. i don't have a choice. i have to shave the moustache. left? donn ie. i ' m ju st ch eckin g in. that's what i said. i'm checking in. i just woke up. i just woke up, left. where're we going? what does that mean, you got sent for? sonny red? how do you know what he wants? they should up you before they up sonny black. i thought you and sonny black were friends. i whacked a guy once. in an argument. i'm just saying. it could be anything sonny sent for you for. he's hungry, left, cut to: at least you got louise. yeah. i told you, in california. you should give him a smack in the mouth once in a while. what do you mean, cancer of the prick? i never heard of that. you know, left, not for nothing, but six hours ago you thought you's gonna get whacked. no. i don't know 'cause you don't tel l me. how co me yo u didn 't tell me about that money you owe? maybe i could help you out. i don't know. i do? you and me, left. i don't give a fuck, left!. what the fuck do you want me to do?. i don't give a fuck what that mothe rfuck er sa ys--y ou believe him or me? there hasn't been a divorce in my family back to julius caesar. divorce someone else. maggie, i ' m tired. go to sleep. it's just another six months. i ' m their father, maggie. i ring that doorbell i expect them home. that's for your own protection. i don't have to listen to that bullshit. i ain't runnin' from nothin'. i ' m an undercover agent for the fbi! what's that---an intimacy request? can i ask you something? how much is this costing? maggie doesn't say anything. okay, maggie--i want you to answer my question. this is my intimacy request. that was a hundred dollars? a hundred dollars. and how many of these do you think we'll need? one hundred dollars. i gotta work a ten hour day risking my life to make a hundred dollars! 'will you rub my back'? va'a'fonaooll maggie--who told you to wear a seat belt? it's a simple question. you never wore a seat belt before. maggie. i just asked a simple question. you're the one that brought it up with the affair. you know what i'm doing. i'm doing the job. that's the job. it's for your own protection. when did you all of a sudden from nowhere start saying, 'do it', maggie? 'do it.' you never said that-- 'do it'. you never talked that way before. cut to: tha t's a spe cial phone . you d on't call on i t. yo u don 't answer it. nobody touches that phone under any circumstances. understood? terry jawohl, herr commandantl terry gives donnie a nazi salute. goosesteps out of the bedroom. hey. heyl donnie chases her a couple of steps. she hurtles down the stairs. slams out the door. donnie turns back. bursey shrugs, continues to install the phone. kerry and sherry indict him with their eyes. exit the bedroom. cut to: meanwhile three years i've been .undercover and i can't get a fucking two thousand dollar raise. do nn ie. c al l m e don ni e-- i d on 't wanna get confused. i supervise my prick. not even t hree year s--thr ee an d a h alf years. fuggedaboudit. i need 40 grand, i gotta middle some porno tapes. you'll get it back. it's nothing. half of them are for fags. you take out the firing pin. the guns don't work. what the fuck are you worried about? why not? hey, guy, you have to explain this to washington, that's your fucking job. for me to do my job i need the fucking guns. i don't give a fuck about the fucking procedures. you think they have fucking procedures? hah? i want the fucking guns and i want the fucking money. understood? berada stares at donnie, frightened. on his face we see his doubts about what's happening to donnie. flash cut to: santo trafficante--how long's he been the boss o f florida? you could put his head on your wall. if i go down to florida and vouch for this jerkoff, whatever his n ame is-- every door in florida will open for this guy calvin like it. was on ball fucking bearings. but i w an t t he gu ns . t h e mo n ey . a nd no more fucking bullshit. donnie. don't waste my time. with all this bullshit about pr ocedures, you'11 do whatever it takes to get t hese guys. same as m e. berada mulls it over a beat. if i vouch for this guy and he fucks up--i'll put a bullet in his fucking head. .we got the colts giving two- and-a -half. yea h, nickel on the colts. w hat about florida? i know a g uy down there, he has some vending machines he's trying to move. plus he has a club down there. he's looking for partners that can give him peace of mind. spnny you know this guy? whaml a nother ba ng at the parking me ter. left y glowers at donnie . a look that says: shut up. i knew him ten years ago, in baltimore. he was okay then. tampa. what? i didn't inject anything, left. i don't know, left. i was just bullshitting around. i know. you don't explain it to me. snake in the grass, i was agreeing with you. what are you so upset for? this could be great. i ' m not gonna do nothing wrong. cut to: i'm in florida. what do you thi nk i'm doi ng? i'm working. no, i didn't forget. i ' m gonna try. look, maggie, i gotta go. i'll be there, okay? i gotta go. ' bye. donnie moves to hang up. remembers. puts the phone back to his mouth. . . i love you. . into a dial tone. lefty lights an english oval as donnie emerges. so whaddaya think? lik e any body else . i k new h im ten years ago, he was okay then. look, i'm just making the introduction. you make the decision. lefty look s aro und. smil es. it's up to you, left. you know him? trafficante? i know a broad down here, her brother has a boat. big fucking yacht. what? it's like part of their religion, left . i t's ca lle d se lf- flage llation. t hey think it'll . bring them closer to god. i need a boat. lefty loves boa ts. b e wan ts s ometh ing special to show off for trafficanta. yeah. what happened to my expense check? it's gotta be three months already. bursey gets called to the phone, barbara jones, 30s, a prosecutor, approaches. donnie. call me donnie. i gotta get reimbursed, jules. it's fucking ridiculous. donnie brasco has the worst fucking credit rating in the history of the mafia. not nicky. nicky cigars. kiss jones, how many do i have solid? nicky glasses. little nicky. donnie. call me donnie. i don't wanna get confused. you gonna spend any money to fix it up or is it gonna stay a dump? bursey moves to the coffee machine. jules sits with donnie, hands him the nagra tape recorder. he sticks it inside his cowboy boot. donnie. what about the boat? i need that fucking boat. you know, i ask berada to do something and he just says, 'done'. just get me that fucking boat, okay? bursey rejoins them, stirring his coffee. perfect. shut up and calm down. i'll take c a re o f it . - lefty rejoins them. help this fucking guy put the bags up on the cart. you got the tickets, left? hey, buddy--what the fuck are you selling? get a load of this g uy. the oldest fucking scam in the book. pretend you recognize someone and meanwhile his partner here takes your w allet, he fuck you, honey, or does he just thieve with you? hah? with his fucking pencil prick? 'cause if he ain't fucking you, honey, coine up to first class. we got two toilets up there. calvino gives the bag to a redcap. looks in his wallet. fucking guy pissing up my leg. you can't even go to the fucking airport any more without some fucking hare krishna or somebody puts his hand in your pocket. you ever call me joe again i'll cut your throat. cut to: shit. cut to: terry ? you awak e? i ' m sorry i missed your party. i ' m not the kind of guy that breaks his promises. i'm sure that's only part of what mom said. w ha t' d s he sa y-- sh e w an ts a divorce? that's just her way of blowing off steam. nothing's gonna happen to me, terry. nothing's gonna happen to us -- i won't le t it. okay ? i ' m doing the right thing. i know i t's a sac rifice. it 's the same thing i always tell you kids -- do your best, work hard, never quit. that's how i live my life. i just had no way of knowing it would go this far. you're getting grown-up now. i want you to understand. you have a father, terry. maybe i'm not there for the good times, but i'm there if you need me. it's just another six months. "another six months." that phrase. like a knife in her heart. come here. give me a hug. terry sits up, hugs her f ather. st ruggles ag ainst the tears. an d loses. okay. i called this family meeting because there's something we have to t alk a bout. i kn ow what i'm doing involves a lot of sacrifice from everyone, but this is something patriotic for the country that you can all be proud of. i called the meeting because we're gonna have to move. this isn't a democracy, terry. this is a dictatorsh ip. and that's my decision. it's getting too dangerous. there's too many people here who know us. we're moving to minnesota and changing our name to 'anderson'. that's the deal. it's done. that language is unacceptable, y oung lady . you sit down. terry gets up, walks out. maggie gets up, too. where are you going? don't you want to discuss this? you'll make new friends. minnesota's great. lakes and everything. we can get a nice piece of land there. maybe we can even get a horse. maggie comes back inside, reading the mail. flips a letter to donnie. ~ what's this? sonny red and all them big puffers. hey, left. donnie nods toward the parking lot. lefty looks, sees a lincoln town car pull up. he can stick jersey up his ass. once lefty arranged it with trafficante-- simple arithmetic. some young guy. you just gotta take it with a grain of salt. fuggedaboudit. be a made guy? that would be unbelievable. i just got some things i gotta take care of, back in the city. how long's he gonna stay down there? nobody calls me cocksucker. understood? i'm not getting it. no fucking way, left. that's got nothing to do with it. i got no fucking loyalty to sonny black. that ain't the issue. nobody calls me cocksucker. you're the fucking cocksucker. h uh? yo u f uck ing coc ksu cke r--h ow does it feel?. go ahead, left. fucking whack m e . s t a b m e. r ig h t i n th e fucking baggage claim. whack me! because you know what? you make me so fucking mad i'm gonna whack you and then i'm gonna get whacked for whacking you anyway! i ain't picking up the bag. i ain't. get a load of this guy. how about you take off your fucking pants? i'm not taking my shoes off for this guy. hey, boobie, who won the fucking war? : i ain't doing it. i grew up an orphan because my dad took a fucking bullet in okinawa, and i'll lose my boot up his fucking asshole before i'll ' take orders from fucking mr. moto here. on yo ur ma rk s. ge t s et . go! they jump off the line. running through the blackness. sonny takes an early lead, but boobie's leaner. starts to pull away. looks over at sonny, grins. sonny found out about it? how'd he find out? sonny. i don't know, left. boobie was a friend, of all of us. what are you talking about? you told sonny that boobie was holding out? because of me? what was boobie saying? where's terry? she still asleep? as lee p. perf ect . a sle ep at 1 2 noon. it all fits the profile. the twelve warning signs. our daughter terry is a drug user. oversleeping. short attention span. hostility to authority. b in g e e at i n g-- don't tell me my business. do you know what this is? he holds out the marijuana seed. maggie peers at it. this is a marijuana seed. maggie, i am an fbi agent. that's who i am. i am out there risking my life, 18, 20 hours a day, weekends, christmas-- well, what do you think i ' m doing it for? i am spending my life to put away the guys that make money off this shit, and i'm damned to hell if i ' m gonna have it in my house. don't change the subject. i'm not the fucking pothead. geddadaheah. go weigh yourself or something. sleeping beauty and i are going out to the woodshed. in the fucking car that i make the payments on, in the fucking driveway of the house that i pay the fucking mortgage on--a goddam m ar i ju an a s e ed -- i'm looking for my wife. mrs. an der son. ma ggi e a nde rson . s he was i n an accid ent? i'm h er husband. the nurse gives him a form on a clipboard. where is she? is she okay? christ. let me just see her. she'll tell you who i am. if i could see her we could clear this whole thing up. i need id to see my fucking wife? i ' m her husband1 who the fuck else would i be? a doctor, cold-blooded, 30s, arrives. can't i see her? look, mom's gonna be okay. i know how you're feeling. but i t ' s j u s t-- maybe just a few more weeks. the doctor says you 're gonna be okay. we j ust have to get you into rehabilitation as soon as we can. you'll be as goo d as new before you know it. the lung machine whirs and wheezes. maggie, listen to me, maggie, because this is what it is. the minute i come out from under all these guys i ' m with, they will all be killed--because of me. because they trusted me. i gotta go back. maggie pulls her hand back. turns away from him. he can tell she's i have a chance here to become a made guy--an fbi agent a made guy in th e mafia. i t's gonna happen the en d of the year. and then i'll come out. then it'll all be o ver. you' ll ha ve me for the rest of your life. maggie waves him away. turns away from him. a nurse enters and donnie, with sadness but no regrets, exits. cut to: ( look, i think that sitdown's tonight. i can't find lefty. only made guys can go to a s itdown. i don't know. listen to me--i ' m worried. cut to: the electric bill. i can't get over it. the fucking 'b' didn't pay the fucking electric billi cut to: maybe he ain't gonna show. i ' m just saying--maybe we should forget about it, pop him tomorrow night. i forgot. that's some boat this broad has. what is that--a hundred grand? florence. c'mon, that's him. hey, left--what do you care, florence what? florence italy. i ' m not lying. hey, left--that's the problem? are we gonna whack this guy or what? i really don't think that's the same boat, left. maybe her brother's a fucking a ge nt . h o w wo u ld i kn o w? i thought he was in real estate. you're right, left. i'm a fucking rat. i met your girls. i talked to tommy for you i don't know how many fucking times. i don't know how many times i had dinner with you and louise. i lived with you, left-- partners. five fucking years, i ever had a hundred bucks in my pocket, i gave you half. and the whole time i was a fucking rat. you're right. you'd have to be the biggest fucking mutt in the history of the mafia. shit. he's up again. you ask me it's the funniest fucking thing in the world. those fucking agents could scam senators and congressmen and meanwhile we had a party on their boat and they didn't get a fucking thing on us. sonny'11 laugh his ass off. we outsmarted the agents. we got a higher z .q. than the fuckin g congressmen. what black marks? are we gonna whack this fucking guy or not? that's right, left--you're my best friend. "your best friend is the one who kills you." donnie freezes. lefty looks at him. what do you mean, it's over? what the fuck--? nobody--. i'm not coming out. it's not over. i'm too close! donnie starts to run. fbi men are on top of him, wrestling him dovr,. donnie struggles, exchanges a look with lefty as he's dragged away. you can stop looking for lefty. cut to: