you have some objection to these guys killing each other? . an informant? then why are you depending on an informant? what does the agent say? when's the last time you spoke to him? he checks in every three weeks? my predecessor started this? and how many cases do we have? which one? let me get this straight. nobody knows where he is. nobody's spoken to him. he's been undercover five years. he might very well get killed tonight--at a fucking wedding-- not because he's one of us. but because he's one of t;hem. - who is this fucking guy? dissolve to: berada's the guy who ran this? i want to talk to berada. flash cut to: . . $ 9 , 0 0 0 for miscellaneous-- miscellaneous what?. a $22,000 car$40,000 for x-rated videotapes? flash cut to: didn't you think at any point that this was getting a little out there? these requests have your name on them. why the h ell did yo u go ahead with this? cut to: an fbi man shaking hands with the boss o f florida ? did it e ver occur to anyone that that is simply not possible? what makes you so sure he's on this is what the fbi does? you're telling me this is the fucking fbi? i think that's a question worth asking, don't you? from everything we know what he did is simply not possible. then you look at the guns and the porno tapes and this. that is not the behavior of an fbi agent. i listen to those tapes and that is not the speech of an fbi agent. well, maybe he fucking seduced you. you're sure the informant said tonight? anything from the guy inside? if they leave. stay with them. what's going on? tech #1 they're coming out. cut to: they're putting the wives in a separate car. i can't make a decision this wayl it's fucking insanity! it's my watch. it's my call. okay. wrap it up and get out of there. cut to: what exactly did the informant say? did he say a hit on sonny black? who was this informant? where - does his information come from? goddamit1 hogue frantically dials the phone. sonny black's not the target. sonny black's the shooter!